The Calling (Hierarchy versio)

Tunrida666 | 12.09.2008 | Black Metal
10.00   303 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

Now I have arrived to this state I always longed for
Confused, yet thrilled I am for my senses are the same no more
For the stars reach out to me and I understand their hidden lore
With pride I realize that I am at one with the cosmos

My hunger for knowledge is strong
As I seek the face of god

As I drift within the galaxies I discover no answers
But much to learn and see
Truly this is the birthplace of the most blackest witchcraft
And even the ignorant knows where all that leads to.....

But something is changing now, the Universe is silent
The cosmic powers are shifting, astral energy is growing
The stars turn away in awe and I feel the eye focus on me
Helpless I am before this entity...fear grows inside me.....

Nevertheless I dare to ask:
Who are you who attract me so strongly?

”Sworn in the name of Chaos, sealed with the bonds of Doom
Look into my eyes......I am your Jesus
Follow me and you will not only live.....
....but rule!”

Blind I was but not anymore, for he is Satan and he is the one
Finally this is the end of the road, I have found my calling.....


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