Two pretty girls

Pop No Harm | 17.07.2008 | Pop

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Kappaleen sanat

Two pretty girls (2008)

Fell in love again
blind like other men
she was beautiful but strong
thin line between right and wrong.
Brunette having fun
always on the run
trendy, groomed apperance
country girl with elegance.

Rings she didn't wear
no make-up no dyed hair
just naturally blonde
modest things can divide and bond.
Easy, sociable
soothing spectacle
thornless rose of love's worth
city girl but down-to-earth.

Two pretty girls like east and west
fighting for my heart
one with her kindness
the other with her sword.
Two pretty girls like yin-yang
I can't make up my mind
should I join the rhythm
or should I play the right chord?

Seasons come and go
moods like tide from high to low,
crop needs sun and rain
there's no pleasure without pain.
Faces of the coin
two sides I could join
but choice's not black nor white
there's a rainbow in every light.

Give me a unique sign
to the choice of sparkling wine
give me the right advice
there's no magic in the dice.
The oracle of hearts
The master of the arts
draw the guiding line
to the wisdom of female divine.


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