Dance little pigs
Työläisen kova kohtalo nyky-yhteiskunnassa
Showcasessa on happy hours klo 00.00 - 15.00, jolloin sinne nostetut kappaleet saavat +25% lisää näkyvyysaikaa normaaliin verrattuna.
Mainosta kappaletta Mikserin etusivulla 3h 45min. Lähetä viesti:
MIKSERI MAINOS 338487 numeroon 173172 (1,90€)
tai mainosta krediiteillä.
Kappaleen sanat
Dance little pigs (2003)
Dance dance dance little pigs
hit your heels to the ground
swing swing swing curly tails
make your cute funny sound.
Quick quick! Rush rush!
Hop up and down, roll over
do your job, be perky
don't let your pace get slower.
Hard work, no fun
small pay, slaves in the run.
Senseless orders,
serving for the chief
the master number One.
Unbending rules
symbols, manners
taught at the Sunday schools.
Reach paradise, crawl
humbly to the gate
on the doomsday for fools.
Salvation, promise
of after life
deserved final bliss.
Christmas streets show
slaughter of the pigs
that's the goodbye kiss.