Why I ever loved you (2015)

Pop No Harm | 26.04.2008 | Ballad

Rakkaudesta puutarhaan, joka ei koskaan kukoistanut. Tässä 2015 vuoden versio Vocaloid CyberDivan kera.

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Why I ever loved you (2000)

I'm looking for a reason
why I ever loved you
why I ever wasted
the best moments of my lifetime
trying to wake up
the faded flowers of my heart
they were never worth a dime.

There must've been something senseless
forgotten long ago
some words, maybe gestures
that made my blood to glow
the excitement of a moment
a touch of light before sunset
now gone with the flow.


I'm looking for a reason
why I ever wanted
to plant you to bloom as
the beauty of my garden
fooled to believe in
the promise of a rosebud
turned pale, felt like frozen.



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