As I Watch You Breathe

Salma | 26.04.2008 | Pop
10.00   828 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

I search your eyes as I sleep with the sun
The heat is on
I do stupid things like follow
I let my hair hang down this time
I breathe your light
You I like to swallow

Sleep my baby
I chase you into your dreams
When the morning comes
I still be here
Sleep my beloved
I rock you until you sleep
I kiss you slowly, watch you as you breathe

Sleep my baby
I chase you into your dreams
When the morning comes
I still be here
Sleep my beloved
I rock you until you sleep
I kiss you slowly as I watch you as you breathe

Sleep my baby
I chase you into your dreams
When the morning comes
I still be here
Sleep my beloved
I rock you until you sleep
I kiss you slowly as I watch you as you breathe

Sleep my beloved
I rock you until you sleep
I kiss you slowly, watch you as you breathe


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Dexteri 28.04.2008
Taustat on kunnossa. Tasapainoinen kokonaisuus ja lauluäänessä on vivahteita , jotka miellyttää ainakin minua .Jotain uutta jäin silti kaipaamaan....biisi on silti lahjakkaan nuoren taiteilijan tuotantoa .
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