Season Preview

Johannes Laitila | 18.04.2008 | Indie
9.00   600 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

It's the start of the soccer season, and I'm standing still on the sidelines when I see the men walking in.

On the start of every previous season I've felt in a certain way. But it's never been anything like it is today.

All the feelings that I have are the feelings that I lacked years ago, until I found out it's not like that. I want to feel the way I used to feel. I want to feel the way I used to feel. I want to feel the way used to feel when I was seventeen.

It's the start of the soccer season and I do my best to recall if this is the first time that I feel I fall.

But I've always kept in my mind that there are downs. So let's not call it complete. Let's just shout.

All the feelings that I lack are the feelings that I had years ago, until I found out it's not like that. I want to feel the way I used to feel. I want to feel the way I used to feel. I want to feel the way used to feel when I was seventeen.

It's the start of the soccer season and I feel misplaced. I'm standing on the sidelines and I see myself play.


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keefer07 24.05.2008
Loistava teksti ja taas kerran mainio sävellys. Olet löytänyt oman tyylisi ja kehittänyt sitä eteenpäin. Mielestäni asenteesi ja tyylitajusi on enemmän kuin kohdallaan. Ja minun korvaani tuplausfalsettisi miellytti. On hyvä, ettet hae mitään mainstream-ratkaisuja miltään osin. Jatka vain omalla linjallasi.
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Sheena Wicked 15.05.2008
Oho, tämähän on.. Mieletömmän hyvä biisi! Tosin en tiedä johtuuko omista laitteista vai biisin laadusta (80 kbps) että tää pätkii välillä.

Ja sitten: "All the feelings that..." Se tuplausfalsetti on kamala, hyi. Jos sen muutat toisenlaiseksi tämä kappale olisi <3
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