If you do not see it (Censorship song)
"Voiko sellaista olla olemassa, mitä ei voi nähdä", kysyi utelias nuorukainen. "No ei tietenkään", vastasi viestintäministeri.
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Kappaleen sanat
If you do not see it (Censorship Song) (2008)
Imagine there's no spam selling viagra
imagine, there's no email sent from Nigeria
imagine there's no child abuse
as long as you don't see
pictures of kids swimming in spa.
If you do not see it,
it doesn't exist
if you do not see it
it doesn't exist,
everybody's happy
everybody's free
everybody loves censoring policy,
welcome to the dreamland internet utopia.
Imagine there's no phishing asking for your pin code,
imagine there's no need for a popup blocking mode.
imagine there are no terrorists
as long as you don't see
instructions how to make the bomb explode.
Imagine there's no breast as a googled word.
imagine, voice of minorities could never be heard.
Imagine there are no refugees
as long as you don't see
soldiers of truth beating a kurd.
You may say she's a dreamer
and she's not the only kind
the head of communication but
do you see her mind?
Jos et sitä näe, ei sitä ole lainkaan
jos et sitä näe, ei sitä ole lainkaan
kaikki ovat vapaita ja onnellisia
kaikki rakastavat tiukkaa sensuuria,
tervetuloa internetin Onnelaan.