Good Hero Adventure in Haunted Castle

Evil Wizard | 26.12.2007 | --
0.00   224 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

Good hero walk in strange dark forest. Look for ancient treasure stone from old past. Stone can help hero village to old day glory. Journey is long and dangerous. Trees make weird whisper sound and branch look like scary claw of death. Wolfhowl hear from distance. Bird and owl sound creepy. Hero must find courage to walk further. Find old castle after stumbling and rolling down hill. Castle is old and legendary by cruel evil family. Hero have epiphany. See treasure stone glow in castle window! Hero open old creaking door! Adventure can begin.................

After entering castle hero have sudden vision of old dwellers of castle! Cruel evil family haunt hero brain! Hero see visions of past! Cruel family torment visitors in every horrible way! Children ask stupid questions in eternity! Adults have endless discussion about weather!
(WhyDoIHaveToesWhyDoIHaveToesWhyDoIHaveToesWhereDoBabiesComeFromWhereDoBabiesComeFromWhereDoBabiesComeFrom? It sure is cloudy today... Yes, sure seems so... Looks like it's going to start raining today... But it never does...)
Hero possessed by feheheheaarr...! Turn around and try to leave castle! Suddenly realize he walk subconscious in castle living room! Stone only five yards away! But family ghosts surround hero! Suddenly old victim ghosts appear and swarm into room! Start talk about weather! No longer know about any other topics! Hero die in uncomfortable amchair, bored to death! All remain is dusty skeleton in cobwebs!


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