Cast From This Earth

Tuonenpolku | 21.12.2007 | Death Metal

Track 4/4 from Tuonenpolkus "Kärsijä" EP.

8.50   424 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

From the dark stars they came, ere man was born,
While ages past their number grew strong.

And the spawn of the Old Ones cowered the earth,
And their children endureth through ages.

But the Elder Lords opened their eyes,
They were cast down from the earth,
And the seal was set upon the gateway,
For their power prevail not against it's might

Outside earths plane they lay,
And ever awaite their return,
For the Old Ones were,
The Old Ones are,
And the Old Ones shall be..


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Hatesociety 11.01.2008
Nää biisit kuullostaa samalta..
Mikä vitun jeah,jeah,jeah?
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