Asshole Believer

KYRPÄ | 15.12.2007 | Black Metal

Fuck you all!

I don't like you, you are an asshole
You think you know shit, you don't
I don't like your style, hubris shit
You think you know shit, you're wrong

Asshole believer, you're nothing to me
Asshole believer, why won't you just die
Asshole believer, there never was a god
That could stand your utter stupidity

I don't like you, you silly twit
You think you are so fucking true
I don't like your style, hubris shit
You think you know what it's like

Asshole believer, you're nothing to me
Asshole believer, why won't you just die
Asshole believer, there never was a god
That could stand your utter stupidity

Fuck you, you don't know what it's like
Fuck you, you don't know shit

7.00   675 kuuntelua


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