alice in r´lyeh

john_cityzen | 22.11.2007 | --

alas jäniksenkolosta...

drums---markku heikkilä aka matin & tepon rumpali :D

0.00   357 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

step into my realm behind closed curtains
iq drops down to 42 that´s for certain
just follow me down the rabbit hole
into my domain with no tea parties or colorful animals
just demonic creatures that`ll haunt you down like cannibals
vultures of guilt coming down on you like cannon balls
ripping the flesh from your bones, puncturing your lungs
bleed from your ears when they enter your skull
i got magical plants that´ll make you grow bigger
and i even got the motherfucking caterpillar
is this nothing but a dream within a dream?
maybe i´m just dreaming that i´m lying in my bed
when in reality i´m out there-- causing calamity
there´s no remedy for this type of insanity
this shit is for eternity
hell is where i dwell take a peek
inside my skull, well?

come out come out where ever you are
scraping by or casting far

my mind is broadcasting things from the past
right in front of my eyes i´m asking myself why
am i here? wherever that is cuz i can´t
recognize shit i want out of this trip
but fuck it, i´ll try to stay on top of it, blocking it
get a grip from reality and snap out of it
but the walls started breathing
i was in the belly of a demon
that´s when i felt the presence of an ancient evil
it rose from the depths of my consciousness
in shapes and forms long since withdrawn
now i look outside the window of an asylum
with cold sweat dripping down my forehead
there´s a monster under my bed
it can smell my cold sweat/
and i bet he´s not alone/
i can see a shadow on the wall/
it seemed like 7 feet tall with tentacles/
spewing cockroaches and slimy centipedes on my floor/
of course i didn´t see ´em cause they scooted under the carpet/
but their presence was so strong i had to hide under my blanket/
and i was shakin cuz every bone in my body was aching/
i shook my head to stop my mind from racing/
but the lizards were crawling down the fucking walls/
licking their lips approaching me with sharp teeth and claws/
i rolled over, sighed, couldn´t find a comfortable position/
my condition was pretty bad six hours passed/
i fell into a haunting dream/
where the ancient evil rose from the depths of the sea...

how can i shut up these strangers in my mind
tell them to lower their screams........


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johncityzen82 25.01.2008
jep, eikä oo ees näkyny niitä rahoja!
0   +1 +2
klausnyqvist 21.01.2008
Hyvä pojat. saitte sitten aikaan tuommosta taideapuraha rävellystä...
0   +1 +2