Mental reconstruction

Pop No Harm | 29.10.2007 | Pop-Soul

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Kappaleen sanat

Mental reconstruction (2004)

Take all you need
it's life for sale
take last year's seed
of no avail.
Take the old skin
torn in the race
pictures in the bin
of the scarred face.

But here comes the new life:
Not a new year's resolution
not another small patch
this is personal revolution
I'm building all from scratch.

Take all tender
words never used
take sweet heart blender
many times abused.
Take white lies
sheets from the bed
take the ring and rice
of a girl never wed.

Take centerfold
of lonely nights
take love stone-cold
after private rites.
Take the train of thought
greed, anger, lust
sins of mind that brought
weed without trust.


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