Rock N' Roll Pants

Rock N' Roll Pants | 30.08.2007 | Rock

Biisi perustuu tositapahtumiin. Lyriikat keskittyvät erään baarin taphtumiin. Baari oli "elossa" vuosina 1978-1982. Baarin nimeä ei mainita siitä syystä notta omistaja luultavasti saisi meidät kiinni. Tuo baari elää muistoissamme maailman verisinpänä ja väkivaltaisimpana paikkana.

0.00   315 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

When I went to the bar last night
It was full of gipseys and I stole their guitars
I didn't know they had knives
But they didn't know I would end their lives

I love rockin'
Rockin' in my rock N roll pants
I love rockin'
Rockin' in my rock N roll pants

After the gipseys I ordered some beer
Then some guy came and smashed my fucking head
But I knew the man liked rock and roll
So I just bought him some Liquer


Next I went to the bathroom
There was a girl who wanted to give me some head
But I noticed the girl was a whore and a tramp
Coz I don't need girls when I got my rock n' roll pants!



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