Kappaleen sanat
Mankind is under satan control
Everyone has to obey his commands
If you won't he'll make you suffer
He's gonna stick his tongue in your ass
You are a freaky motherfucker
You will take my cock in your ass
I hate you. I hate you all
Satan hates you, he hates you all
Fucking fuckers you fuck my shit
Fuck you shitheads you fucking suck :D
I'm your master, I make disaster
I'm your soul, your inner demon
Come to me and I make sure
That I fucking rule, I'm the Boss
You are nothing but a piece of shit
Take ny advice and just kill yourself
In your face, you fucking asshole
You're mother was a filthy whore
kiss your masters ass
fuck your son and be glad
this song isn't bad
bad is good and satan is your dad
you can fuck my corpse
fucking shit you have small dick
god is not great, he's a little chick
you are fucking lame, come on play the game
This game is going to kill
now there is now time to chill
universe is fuck
shit out of luck