
Grand Jury | 21.07.2007 | Ballad

Music,Vocal,acc gt by Dawn Diamond,Lyrics by Dawn Sinclair,arr.,mix-mast Juri Rosenfeld

10.00   395 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

"Power--take 2"
(Dawn Diamond/Dawn Sinclair)

by Dawn Sinclair

don't draw me into this web
just to drain this river dry
don't hold me ever closer
by the dagger of your eye
I may be putty in your fingers
a page for you to write upon
but what becomes of you, love
if you blink and I am gone...gone gone

yes what good is your power
if the source of it is gone?...gone gone gone gone

I offered you tomorrow
you dragged it through the mud
then lit a flaming pyre there
where all my dreams had stood
you knew I'd be the rocky road
for you to walk upon
but did u ever wonder
what you'd do if I was gone....gone gone

yeah what becomes of you, love
if you blink and I am gone....gone gone gone gone

just contemplate your power
the hold you have over me
you can slice it into pieces
for all eternity
but power over pieces
of the fool that once was me
do you think that it releases
do you think that sets you free? sets you free

you might realise that after all
there's a power inside of me

yeah what good is your power
if the source of it is gone? gone gone gone gone



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rikkalapio 21.07.2007
Ammattitaitoista, se nyt tulee heti ensin mieleen ilman sen kummempaa mietintää. Vuosien kokemus paistaa läpi kuin auringonsäde suurennuslinssin läpi, jättäen mieleen pysyvän jäljen. Mielettömät yhteistyökumppanit olet löytänyt kyllä. Kiitos tästä antoisasta musiikkielämyksestä!
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