Banished Into Wilderness

Cyberose | 14.09.2006 | Rock

Aatamin ja Eevan tarina käärmeen näkökulmasta. Mies ja piano, tekninen toteutus ei kotistudiossa korkealaatuiseksi nousse. Tämmöinen puoliballadi parilla vauhdikkaammalla koukulla maustettuna. Sävelsin biisin heinäkuussa 06.

0.00   394 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

From where I stood it seemed so clear all they held dear came to an end
'cause of my promise, 'cause of my gift to these two so Heavensent
And I slithered into their lives, offering sin dressed in disguise
And they stupidly took advice from a snake in their paradise

and so they'll leave

This Garden Of Peace, no war or disease, just love and fortune
traded for sin because of me, I caused their torture
And because of me they flee
Into Wilderness

And so they ate, they took the bait as behind them they closed the gate
Forever banned from this place of salvation, Heavenly grace
All hope withered by God's command but really it was by their own hand
That they caused happiness to end by mistaking me for a friend

and so they'll leave

This Garden Of Peace, no war or disease, just love and fortune
traded for sin because of me, I caused their torture
And because of me they flee
Into Wilderness

I know I caused them to sacrifice
and I realize their world was destroyed by my lies
And I know there is no more paradise
and I feel how hope within them withers and dies

and so they'll leave

This Garden Of Peace, no war or disease, just love and fortune
traded for sin because of me, I caused their torture
And because of me they flee
Into Wilderness


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kimkorho 23.11.2006
Sävellyksessä mukava tunnelma, kohtalokas balladi -fiilis. Laulukin toimii ajoittain mukavasti, ehkä olisi syytä erityisesti varoa noita liukuja sävelestä toiseen ja pyrkiä laulamaan puhtaasti kohdesäveleen. Liu'ut pitää tehdä nimittäin tosi tarkasti, jotta ne toimii.
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