Descent / Dance

ansgaros | 25.08.2006 | Soundtrack

kuvitteellista elokuvaa nimeltään "5000 Fathoms" varten tehty biisi vedenalaisella teemalla. kirjoitin tähän myös tarinan, joka on luettavissa sanoituksissa. tarina on englanninkielinen.

0.00   690 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

This is a science fiction movie that is focused on underwater exploration. It involves little
"action", but lots of mysterious underwater creatures and places to compensate. The movie takes
place on an alternate version of our Earth, which in practice means that most (but not all)
things are like they would be in this reality.

This song is in two parts/scenes.

Scene 1 (Descent) [0:00 - 1:37]:
A group of scientists (marine biologists and such) in a submersible vehicle descend slowly
towards the ocean floor. They're going deep. The submersible has bright lights and a clear view
outside. Doesn't help much, though. The ocean floor is nowhere to be seen and there's little
else to look at.

At 0:39 they see something outside. Only for a second, they see a large figure, swimming. It
escapes their view as quickly as it entered. Their descent continues, until at 1:01 they see
what they were looking for. A ruin. Where once was a glorious city now lies piles of stones and
crumbled buildings. Ruins or not, this is still quite a sight to behold. None are left

The group touches down on the ocean floor near the ruins, puts on their diving suits and heads

Scene 2 (Dance) [1:37 - end]:
Now outside their submersible and on the ruins, they start looking around. Just then, a small
(about 2 inches in diameter) but wonderful luminescent creature slowly rises from between some
rocks. It emits an eerie green light. Before the group can react in any way, another emerges
from under a different pile. And another. And another.

Within a few moments the group is surrounded by a countless amount of these transparent,
luminescent creatures. There are creatures in front of, behind and above them. Some are bigger
than the first one, and some are smaller. Every one has a different color, and together they
represent every color imaginable, but in such a way that is unimaginable.

Now, these creatures begin to move and pulsate, as if they were dancing. They form beautiful
patterns and images, almost as if they're trying to tell the group something. This magnificent
show of lights and shapes goes on for a while. The sheer beauty of this all is so overwhelming
that the group can't even think about anything else than watching the dance.

Then, one by one as they appeared, the creatures return under the piles of rocks where they came
from. When the last one bids our group farewell [at 3:08] they awaken to reality. The group is
left standing there in awe, with no proof of what they just witnessed...


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