
Corner | 25.08.2006 | Heavy Metal

Uudelleen miksattu versio päivitelty 5.11.2009. Tämä pitäisi joskus äänittää uusiksi kunnon soundeilla ja hyvillä lauluilla. Tässä biisissä on paljon hyviä juttuja eikä tämä kokonaisuutenakaan hullumpi ole. Alunperin tämä on äänitelty kesällä 2001.

0.00   341 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

I'm lying on the floor I can't speak
I can't hear a thing
Can't tell the dream from reality
I have to break free

A distant voice is calling
That devilish, dreadful sound
My time is coming now
The devil's crawling along my floor

I can't sleep, I can't stay awake
Lying helpless on the floor
Just the thought of closing my eyes
Makes my skin crawl like hell

My candle burns at both ends
Someone make it go away
The flame keeps burning on and on
Slowly eating me up inside

Something takes a hold on me
Will this nightmare ever end?
The end is drawing near
My final resting place awaits

I can't sleep, I can't stay awake
Lying helpless on the floor
The very thought of closing my eyes
Makes my skin crawl like hell

I can't sleep, can't stay awake
Can't stay awake

When I'm finally free I've been shown
What it's like to die
Everything is wrong you can't see a thing
You can't move, you can't speak

But I know it's over now
No more pain for me
Something takes a hold on me
I slowly fade away


I can't sleep
I can't sleep
No I can't sleep


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