Last Chance for the Grand Dance
Music,Vocal,Bass-Gt-Grand Jury,arr.Andy Dolgihh/Juri Rosenfeld,lyrics:Dawn Sinclair,mix-mast,-J.Rosenfeld
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Kappaleen sanat
Last Chance for the Grand Dance
Lyrics by Dawn Sinclair
Baby, you've got us swimming in the gravy
I'd rather surf on a biscuit of wheat
......................................than drown in the stew
Honey, you think the world is fuelled by money
It's not a question of the ones you can buy
............................... it’s rather who do you are
One day -- I'll take the train that's going one way
To realise my dreams that you’ve been denyin’
--------------------------I think I’ll kiss you goodbye
Last chance, reach out and hold me for the grand dance
With you beside me I would walk a high wire
......................................I have from the start
One day -- I'll take the train that's going one way
To realise my dreams that you’ve been denyin’
--------------------------I think I’ll kiss you goodbye
No one, can purchase real love with a shot gun
Nor can they grease the palm of angels, see
.................................just the beat of your heart
One day -- I'll take the train that's going one way
To realise my dreams that you’ve been denyin’
--------------------------I think I’ll kiss you goodbye