
END_BEGINS | 13.08.2006 | Metalcore

Hometown Pride comp. 2006

9.50   610 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

A new born Jesus found dead in the cradle its hands wrapped around its throat
2004 made the second coming sell his father for the Goat
It's safe to open your eyes now, the dark reign is here to stay
A message: Spread the word, the Bullet is on it's way

This is the curse of the century
A side effect of democracy
Wake up and smell the blood on the ground
Just ride the Bullet, do nothing about

More cops, bigger armies, one God, no problems! Heard you on the news
Factory standard morality code, take heed from the press crews
My God is strange, he decorates with filth, blood and used comdoms
Culture of weakness dominates the world, death served by alcohol and television

This is the Death of the century
A side effect of democracy
Wake up and smell the blood on your hands
Get up and kill like the Bullet demands

Destruction of a culture begins from too much comfort
Wake and and smell the burning cities
You can't drag a dead body to the court

This is the Death of the century
A side effect of democracy
Wake up and smell the blood on your hands
Get up and kill like the Bullet demands

It's a race towards death
Just fucking wake up


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Näin laadukas projekti ansaitsis musta paremmatkin sivut. Hyvää settiä. Jos ny jotain parannusehdotuksia nii jonkunlainen lead-kitara välillä olis jees. Roby S. FME
0   +1 +2
Sanoista pidin todella paljon ja kyllä tuo soittaminenkin oli mainiota.
0   +1 +2

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