
Abigail | 24.06.2006 | Melodic Metal

Just another song from Gardens of Oblivion CD.Hope you'll like it.

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Somehow reminds me of old the Gathering. Maybe a bit too clinic sounds, meaning they lacks the edge. Those panned vocals are somewhat confusing. But melodies are pretty good and vocalist does sound great.

Roby S.
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Norman Bass 28.06.2006
Kinda basic song in this genre, but still something unique comes out from the whole performance. This song has something so sad but..well I can´t find words to say....I like it and that´s it!
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Paintaster 28.06.2006
Great stuff again. I really like Kinga Zak´s voice and it certainly fits in this song. Long live Abigail! =)
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RHP 27.06.2006
Sounds absolutely great, Studio quality =)
The Song itself is also great, and so is the guitar solo, although the guitar may have too much reverb on its sound, In my opinion of course, but it's not a big deal. Great Song and Great number, I think that's the way it goes ;)
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Therushka 24.06.2006
bardzo fajna piosenka, jedna z moich ulubionych od teraz =) pozdro =)
0   +1 +2

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