52 Cards

Electric Monk | 01.06.2006 | Rock

Paluu syvien vesien piraattitunnelmiin - hidasta aaveilua menneiden vuosisatojen ja Tom Waitsin hengessä.

"Wake Up The Neighbours!"-EP:ltä.

9.44   3217 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat


below the waves in the deepest valley
lies a sunken spanish galley
it's been there for four hundred years
awash by nameless fears
in the captain's cabin there's a pair of ghosts
playing for the freedom of their souls
fifty-two cards is the game they play
the silence is broken when one of them says

hey man there's only four aces in the deck
don't try to cheat or i'm gonna break your neck

one of them is slow-hand jack
a cunning cheater who's a real mean hack
the other ghost is one-eyed jim
but the eye he's got sees everything
they were best gamblers of the caribbean sea
now they pay - nothing comes for free
fifty-two cards is the game they play
the silence is broken when one of them says

hey man there's only four aces in the deck
don't try to cheat or i'm gonna break your neck

(c) ilkka elo. 1.2.'06.


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poo 13.03.2007
Tappavan hyvää matskua.
0   +1 +2
Onppa 01.07.2006
Kyllä broidi skulaa koska vokalisti on rakas veljeni topias
0   +1 +2
Samjuli 03.06.2006
The doors ja Tom Waits yhdistyy. Aika jees, jossain vaiheessa menee kitara puuroks laulun taustalla, muuten toimii oiken mainiosti.
0   +1 +2
Tarinaturska 01.06.2006
Kun laulu alkoi, kylmät väreet vaelsivat hetken selkäpiissä - onko Jim tullut takaisin? Tämä olisi tosiaan voinut olla Doorsin biisi. Hurja juttu...
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