The Vague Repository Of Man

SYLAFYRA | 31.12.2005 | Avant-Garde
7.67   815 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

**The Vague Repository Of Man

I need to get away from these equation-breathing brainiacs
I need to get away from these axe-murdering maniacs
I need to get away from this suburban-dream lifestyle
get away from Nietzsche-reading, poet-quoting high-flyers

Hey, I got a problem, see if you can correct it
do a soundcheck on my headset 'coz right now I think I'm disconnected

One day I opened my head and my Brain fell on the floor
I was going to pick it up when I heard a knock on my door
On my lawn there was a man, he said "Could you please fill out this form."
I had no idea what was going on so I asked him kindly "Oh, what for?"

So he said "We make all the decisions and then you take all the blame."
"What the hell is this?", I said, "Can't you even tell me your name?"
"I am from the Commission, first question: what colour is your Brain?"
I said I'd bring my Brain for him 'coz I knew it would leave a stain...

I came back empty-handed 'coz I couldn't find my little Brainee
I said "Sorry, sir, I guess my Brain went out for some Tyne Daly..."
"But to answer your question, my Brain is red and a bit grainy."
He said "That's the problem right there 'coz it should be gray and veiny."

The next day I raised my head and my eyes went through the ceiling
I felt a burning sensation and overall a sick feeling
Then I caught myself wondering 'bout just why was I kneeling
I think my blood was filled with oxygen but yet I wasn't breathing

My next-door neighbour had just been caught for something he'd been dealing
All the kids around the neughbourhood were crazy going stealing
An image of these fire-eyed children never fleeting
From this holiday among the stars I'll send you a card of greeting

Where am I now, I can't remember, everything is shiny and white
Metal seats and potted plants and halls with extra height
This masked/man comes up to me, he has a green suit, quite bright
"Good morning, how're we feeling? You just put up quite a fight..."

I try to speak but can't and this masked/man scrapes me with a twig
He makes a deep cut and smiles and gives the wound a good lick
"This organic torture always gives my day a nice kick,
I'll meet you again later, I like your blood, it's not too thick."

The next day I rattled my head and my Brain felt kind of sore
I couldn't taste anything but still my mouth felt hardcore
The feeling was quite mutual with the man I met before
My eyes were racing with the stars and some forgotten lore

Seething from my ear there came a piece of my left eyebrow
This was always my fate I only recognized it now
Walruses and penguins shaking hands with a bright cow
Animals are people with less hair in their wheatflour

Treading underneath my thoughtprocesses, processing it across
A flailing hand grabs my neck and I beg help from the Red Cross
I need to proclaim myself as King by shouting "Who's the Boss!?"
Hanging from my chandelier is Hugo Boss who's saying "Buy my dental floss!"

Screaming and whailing like tyres in a Hollywood-movie
A jolting and burning in my forehead like the first days in juvie
I think I fainted or dreamt or died into a strawberry-smoothie
The last statement in my journal reads: I am a pool of Ruby.


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makes69 07.02.2006
0   +1 +2
JamesMercy 04.02.2006
Enpä tiennyt kyllä yhtään mitä odottaa tuon Avant-Garde -etiketin perusteella, mutta ihan mielenkiintoista experimentointiahan tästä tuntui löytyvän. Räpäyttelyjen tyyli on kyllä melkoisen erikoinen, pidemmän päälle rupeaa valitettavasti puuduttamaan. Nuo "oudommat" vokaalit kuulostavat jotenkin ihan pirun hauskoilta. Aika mukava tämä soundimaailma oli kokonaisuudessaan, Aphex Twin tästä tuli kyllä jossain määrin mieleen. Rummuissa olisi voinut olla tiukempaakin otetta, kunnon rumpubassottelulle en olisi pistänyt vastaan. Vähän ote tiukkenee tuolla loppupuolella, mutta ei välttämättä vielä tarpeeksi. Vähän ennen neljää minuuttia mukaan tulevat kitarat / muut jousisoittimet kuulostavat hyvältä, tuovat ihan oman, uuden lisänsä seokseen. "Sääambienssit" kuulostavat hyvältä ja aidolta.

Kiintoisa toteutus kokonaisuutenaan. Voisi olla mukavaa tarkistella tämmöistä esimerkiksi livenä esitettynä.
0   +1 +2
Vähän omituista musiikkia minun makuuni... Kappale on jotenkin kierolla tavalla hyvä, mutta samaan aikaan en pidä siitä. Vokaalit vähän häiritsevät, en tykkää tuommoisesta tökkivästä tulkinnasta. Tausta on todella omituinen, mutta loppupuolella sekin muuttuu. Ja jollakin ihmeen tavalla se muutos ei vaikuta kappaleen yleiskuvaan mitenkään. Sopii täydellisesti, vaikka ei sovikkaan. Erikoista musiikka, kuuntelen pari kappaletta lisää.
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Tikku-Ukko 12.01.2006
Tää on ihan siistiä. Räpäyttely soljuu luontevasti eikä pohjolan aksenttia ole nimeksikään. Artikulointi on selkeää ja rytmitys tarkkaa. Musakin toimii, virvelin soundi häiritsee hieman.
0   +1 +2

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