Gender-Free, Liberty?

Confirmed Kill | 13.12.2005 | Crust Punk
8.50   2347 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

"women have rights"
shut up! i can talk for myself
what makes you think i'm so weak
you have to run to my defend?
don't i have a mind of my own
or do you just think i can't use it?
no different, no matter what you intend
but don't think it's easy for me either
after all the expectations i have failed
i'm still taken for man
your pride makes you stronger
what is left for me?
free your mind from the modern tradition
step out of the machine, it's your own decision
woman or man, just a product of this system
which is forcing us to submit to its thought conformation
"there's no difference between girls and boys"
a statement of a man, capable of using his voice
no difference seen, when no difference heard
manly struggle for power ruling this earth
but we don't need rule, we don't need leaders
lack of control doesn't take away our moral principles
crime is the produce of society
all power over others our primary enemy

thousands of years of oppression, and a hundred of broken promises... still you expect all that forgiven and forgotten with a single smile and yet another promise, formalised with a handshake and a couple of firm statements. but equality is not something you could just give us, hand over by the dinner table. equality can only be taken, and that you have done, are doing, and will continue to do, as long as we allow it to happen. it's not just the structural inequality in the system we should concentrate on. after the promotions have been dealt, wages counted, the time has come to head back home. that is where the hardest struggle takes place.


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K-E 07.10.2006
Soundit eivät ole yhtä potkivat kuin Chains of Productionissa, ja nyt nuo vokaalitkin solahtavat jo sinne korvaani ärsyttävälle puolelle. Musiikillisestihan tämä on ihan tarttuvasti rokkaava veto.
0   +1 +2
jroxx 30.12.2005
täähän rupee menee jo rokin pualelle. iha hyvä. Ok.
0   +1 +2
raaka-Ana 17.12.2005
Asiaa...Jyystö jatkuu tinkimättömänä ja pärkkele,vanha pierukin innostuu pitkästä aikaa.
Pelottavaa kamaa,jos tulee kännisssä vastaan....meinaan niskat ei kestä.
0   +1 +2

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