The Dregs Of Our Society

Flaming Bush | 28.07.2005 | Hardcore Punk

I got body, brains, eyes and face. I'm a typical member of the human race
Allowed to see, allowed to hear. Allowed to say, allowed to fear
I got a right to think by myself, I have a choice to make my decisions
We're different but the same. In spite of the fact being man or dame

9.50   1047 kuuntelua


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street_rovers 25.02.2006
nii joo myö ollaan plagioitu kaikki meijän biisit et ei ihme jos kuullostaa tutulta :p
0   +1 +2
_Samhain_ 27.10.2005
Todella jees.
0   +1 +2
Sabbe 07.09.2005
tää on huima. kuullostaa hieman tutulta tuo intro. tosi jees tämäkin!
0   +1 +2