Bizarre Treshing Machine Accident

Opetusteurastamo | 19.04.2005 | Goregrind

This song is about our drummer Satan Impersonator, who lost his legs & hands in a tragic treshing machine accident while harvesting his field.
But the accident didn't stop the crazy Satan Impersonator from playing - he now plays electric drums with his teeth and programs with his penis.

The lyrics:

severed limb symphony
accidents don't just happen they're made
'cos blood makes the ground fertile
I found a little mushroom
and kept it on ice

0.00   369 kuuntelua


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speed_o_gonzales 07.09.2005
Voksut on mahtavat. Sanoitukset ovat varmasti oikein intresanttia luettavaa, laittakaahan ne toki tänne. Hyvä että rumpalilla on onnettomuuden jälkeen vielä yksi raaja - eli penis, ja hampaatkin jäljellä :D Stay brütal \m/
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