Childraping Blasphemy


Album: Blessed and Unemotional

Fanatic obsession for destruction.
Satanic overpower action.
Masochistic view to this life,
Masturbating when someone dies.
Bloody leather whip and tight cunt.
Stinking corpses, shit, ready for the hunt.
Swear you love for Satan, obey me!!
Penetrating your ass with knives, last things you feel.
Perversions and agony, total hate and sodomy
Child raping blasphemy, Child raping blasphemy!!!

Music & lyrics by G.S.Immolatus

8.00   1081 kuuntelua


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pikkuarska 11.09.2006
Aika Darktrone-tyylinen biisi (lähinnä tuli mieleen Under a Funeral Moon-platta).
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