Dark Ambient

Last Days for the Fading Sun 18.12.2006


Slowly, but surely the Snake will soon bite it's tail again. Fulfillment ov the Circle, Ouroboros, brings the blackest end, but only to start the new era ov Light.

But now, watch it's last reflections, as there will be no more days for the Sun ov this fading aeon.

8   1 404 kuuntelua
Dark Ambient

Evoking the Coiling 16.12.2006


Hiding it's face from weak minds ov human beings
in to the oceanic emptiness, lies the enemy ov all life;
The great beast Leviathan, ready to devour all the living,
Existing only to hunt blood and feast on the life ov all what is living.

Behold, for once again The Beast has been awaken.
Already rising from it's abyss behind the names ov
Grief and Death.

8   1 407 kuuntelua
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