Mikseri on musiikkiyhteisö,
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Greys - "Generated by the Abducted Musicians" (2009)

Greys - "Generated by the Abducted Musicians" (2009)

Väärä kansikuva?


"Generated by the Abducted Musicians" (2009)

Genre:Pop / Rock

Cream of the Crop 03:44
Things May Seem Real 04:36
Summer Breeze 02:33
The Witch, The Demon and the Unlikely Duo (and the Psychotic Space Wizard) 03:02
Every Human Being Is a Fool 05:32
Somewhere in the Open 03:57
As If 03:39
Slowly Slipping 03:20
Spring Thing 2009 03:01
An Exhibition of Challenging Art 11:12

+ Lisää omaan levyhyllyyn   Oma levyhylly

Samankaltaisia albumeita

Heney - Fruity Stuff

Borknagar - Quintessence

Black Sabbath - Sabbath, Bloody...

D.R.I. - Four of A Kind

Technicolour - Way Out


Arvostele levy

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