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Blitz - Voice Of A Generation/The No Future Years

Blitz - Voice Of A Generation/The No Future Years

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Voice Of A Generation/The No Future Years

Keskiarvo:   1 arvostelua
Levyn omistaa: Hellbilly

+ Lisää omaan levyhyllyyn   Oma levyhylly

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It took me some time to really get into this album, but when I did, it really got me by the balls. My main problem was with the sound: the vocals are a tad too silent in some songs.

But, as said above, when I got it, Voice Of A Generation turned out to be a small masterpiece. Catchy songs, great choruses, good songwriting and interesting lyrics contribute to making a damn fine Punk-album. A few less outstanding tracks, such as the Lou Reed-cover Vicious, lower the rating somewhat, but this here is definitely an album I recommend to everyone. And I mean it: everyone. With Voice Of A Generation, Blitz managed to create an album which really sounds like it does justice to its name; I can well imagine that this album could have been the collective voice of that generation.

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