Mikseri on musiikkiyhteisö,
jossa voit kuunnella, ladata ja arvostella suomalaista musiikkia,
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This album has one really serious flaw that really fucks it all up. The length. Paying full price for an album that’s just over 16 minutes long feels like you’ve been cheated. As such, the music on this disc would have to be pretty fucking awesome, a real milestone in Psychobilly, to feel worthwhile. It isn’t, though (no surprise there). What we get is eight tracks of quite heavy, Punk-y and quite American sounding Psychobilly that doesn’t stand out from the crowd in any aspect. It’s not bad, just thoroughly average. The only thing that I found somewhat better than average is the lyrics, which are quite brutal at times. Other than that, this is once more a case of a few good ideas, spoiled by a lot of completely mediocre and run-of-the-mill stuff that you’ll hear on any of a gazillion Psychobilly-CD’s. Buzzkill Bitch is a good song and one or two others are okay, but the rest is hardly memorable in any way.

All in all, the music isn’t hopeless; it’s faceless and mediocre, yes, but not bad. But who’d pay close to 1€ per minute to get something mediocre? Not me at least (except, of course, I already did. Bah.)

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