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After nearly twenty years, and with five studio albums under their belt, The Quakes released their best album to date in late 2006; well, it shares the first place with their debut, self-titled album.

Being a good mixture of more upbeat stuff and the calmer, somewhat melancholy stuff from Last Of The Human Beings, Psyops is a varied yet consistent, and most of all good album. Paul Roman's guitarwork is as good as ever, all of the songs on Psyops spelling out H-I-T (some just more than others). The lyrics are as always very good, although maybe even a tad better here than on previous albums, and the whole just works nigh on perfectly.

Psyops is one of those rare albums I don't really have anything bad to say about. It's a damn fine album, and one that by all rights should become a classic.

Arvostele levy

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