Mikseri on musiikkiyhteisö,
jossa voit kuunnella, ladata ja arvostella suomalaista musiikkia,
lisätä rajattomasti biisejä, luoda oman artistisivun, kerätä arvosteluja ja faneja


Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu

Kirjoittaja Parhaimmat biisien nimet -- country biisit

Antti Kaukomaa
Antti Kaukomaa

#1 kirjoitettu 19.02.2004 12:19

Mites olis lista parhaista kantribiisien nimistä?

- If My Nose Were Full of Nickels, I'd Blow It All On You
- Get Your Tongue Outta My Mouth 'Cause I'm Kissing You Goodbye
- Her Teeth Were Stained, But Her Heart Was Pure
- Here's A Quarter, Call Someone Who Cares
- How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away?
- I Changed Her Oil, She Changed My Life
- I Don't Know Whether To Kill Myself Or Go Bowling
- I Flushed You From The Toilets Of My Heart.
- I Wanna Whip Your Cow
- I Would Have Wrote You A Letter, But I Couldn't Spell Yuck!
- I Wouldn't Take Her To A Dawg Fight, Cause I'm Afraid She'd Win
- I'd Rather Have A Bottle In Front Of Me Than A Frontal Lobotomy
- I'm Just A Bug On The Windshield Of Life
- I've Got The Hungries For Your Love And I'm Waiting In Your Welfare Line
- If Love Were Oil, I'd Be A Quart Low
- If The Phone Don't Ring, Baby, You'll Know It's Me
- If You Don't Leave Me Alone, I'll Go And Find Someone Else Who Will
- If You Leave Me, Can I Come Too?
- Mama Get The Hammer (There's A Fly On Papa's Head)
- May The Bird Of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose
- My Every Day Silver Is Plastic
- My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink, And I Don't Love Jesus
- My John Deere Was Breaking Your Field, While Your Dear John Was Breaking
My Heart
- My Wife Ran Off With My Best Friend, And I Sure Do Miss Him
- Oh, I've Got Hair Oil On My Ears And My Glasses Are Slipping Down,
But Baby I Can See Through You
- Pardon Me, I've Got Someone To Kill
- She Got The Gold Mine And I Got The Shaft; She Got The Ring And I
Got The Finger
- She Made Toothpicks Out Of The Timber Of My Heart
- Thank God And Greyhound She's Gone
- They May Put Me In Prison, But They Can't Stop My Face From Breakin' Out
- Velcro Arms, Teflon Heart
- When You Leave Walk Out Backwards, So I'll Think You're Walking In
- You Can't Have Your Kate And Edith Too
- You Can't Roller Skate In A Buffalo Herd
- You Done Tore Out My Heart And Stomped That Sucker Flat
- You Were Only A Splinter In My Ass As I Slid Down The Bannister Of Life
- You're The Reason Our Kids Are So Ugly

Entä muut genret?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1649 viestiä

#2 kirjoitettu 19.02.2004 12:25

Aphex twinin albumi nimeltänsä druqks näyttää tuolta:

Jynweythek ylow - 2:23 - 01
Vordhosbn - 4:51 - 02
Kladfvgbung micshk - 2:06 - 03
Omgyjya switch7 - 4:52 - 04
Strotha tynhe - 2:12 - 05
Gwely mernans - 5:08 - 06
Bbydhyonchord - 2:33 - 07
Cock-ver10 - 5:18 - 08
Avril 14th - 2:05 - 09
Mt saint michel mix+st michaels mount - 8:10 - 10
Gwarek2 - 6:46 - 11
Orban eq trx4 - 1:35 - 12
Aussois - 0:13 - 13
Hy a scullyas lyf a dhagrow - 2:14 - 14
Kesson daslef - 1:21 - 15
Disc 2.
54 cymru beats - 6:06 - 01
Btoum roumada - 1:58 - 02
Lornaderek - 0:31 - 03
Plenty harmonium - 1:27 - 04
Meltphace 6 - 6:24 - 05
Bit4 - 0:25 - 06
Prep Gwarlek 3b - 1:19 - 07
Father - 0:57 - 08
Taking Control - 7:14 - 09
Petiatil Cx Htdui - 2:11 - 10
Ruglen Holon - 1:49 - 11
Afx237 v7 - 4:23 - 12
Ziggomatic v17 - 8:35 - 13
Beskhu3epnm - 2:10 - 14
Nanou2 - 3:25 - 15

^ Vastaa Lainaa

DJ Lattialuukkukoira
DJ Lattialuukkukoira

#3 kirjoitettu 19.02.2004 20:44

Riley kirjoitti:
[The User]:in levyn Symphony #2 for Dot Matrix Printers tracklist taas näyttää tältä (pitipä laittaa ihan kuvana, että välilyönnit tulee mukaan):


Beat that!

pyhä jysäys!

Biiseistä en tiedä, mutta skebamaikka sanoi joskus, että oli nähnyt bändin jonka nimi oli Pelimannin Kosto.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2682 viestiä

#4 kirjoitettu 19.02.2004 21:04

Country-aspekti jääköön omalla kohdallani pois mutta Merzbow & Gore Beyond Necropsyn "Rectal Anarcy"-levyn biisit ja biisien nimet yhdistettynä toisiinsa ovat useamman kerran aiheuttaneet tahatonta hajoilua kuuntelusession lomassa.

Biisilista menee näin:

01. Punks Not Dead Kennedy Rectal Anarchy
02. Chaos Disorder Rectal Anarchy
03. Pretty Vacant Rectal Anarchy
04. Love Me Suicidal Tendencies Rectal Anarchy
05. Sunlight Path Rectal Anarchy
06. Between Nothingness and Enernity Rectal Anarchy
07. Split Crotch Disorder Rectal Anarchy
08. Snatch Punk Rectal Anarchy
09. Pussy Poking Disorder Chaos Rectal Anarchy
10. In Tight Disorder Rectal Anarchy
11. Tits 4 Chaos Rectal Anarchy
12. Finger Friggin' Grind Rectal Anarchy
13. Melon & Mounds Rectal Mosh Anarchy
14. There Way all the Mosh Rectal Anarchy
15. Say ah! Punks Rectal Anarchy
16. That Takes Balls Rectal Anarchy
17. Ski Meat Funky Rectal Anarchy
18. Jeff Stryker Super Star Rectal Anarchy
19. Mods Action Ultra-Shit Rectal Anarchy
20. Ten Groovy Wheel Drive Rectal Anarchy
21. Horse Named Rectal Anarchy
22. Heritage Banner Dictate Passion Hate Rectal Anarchy
23. Force Dead Face Apathy Under the Rectal Anarchy
24. London Calling Chaos Damnation Action Violent Rectal Anarchy
25. Parracide Blaze Of Socialized Rectal Anarchy
26. Agent Orange Country War Feast Rectal Anarchy
27. Release from agony State of Procession Rectal Anarchy
28. Morbid Shit Confusion Anarchy Violent Rectal Anarchy
29. Manta Size Shit Body Pollution Hate Rectal Anarchy
30. Up Her Shit Emotion Disregarded Rectal Anarchy
31. He Can Fly Them Against Cruel No Harm Shit Rectal Anarchy

Suosittelen lämpimästi [img=http://www.stealthunit...]

^ Vastaa Lainaa

3503 viestiä

#5 kirjoitettu 19.02.2004 21:47

Antti Kaukomaa kirjoitti:
- I Wanna Whip Your Cow

Jostain syystä tuli mieleen, että Apulannan Anna mulle piiskaa -biisistä saisi tuolla nimellä hyvän englanninkielisen version.

KLF:n Chill out levyn biisien nimet kyllä sopisi ihan tuohon kantriteemaan, vaika "musiikki" ei ihan kantria olekkaan (hyvä levy kuitenkin):

1. Brownsville Turnaround on the Tex-Mex Border
2. Pulling Out of Ricardo and the Dusk Is Falling Fast
3. Six Hours to Louisiana, Black Coffee Going Cold
4. Dream Time in Lake Jackson
5. Madrugada Eterna
6. Justfied and Ancient Seems a Long Time Ago
7. Elvis on the Radio, Steel Guitar in My Soul
8. 3 A.M. Somewhere Out of Beaumont
9. Wichita Lineman Was a Song I Once Heard
10. Trancentral Lost in My Mind
11. The Lights of Baton Rouge Pass By
12. A Melody from a Past Life Keeps Pulling Me Back
13. Rock Radio into the Nineties and Beyond
14. Alone Again With the Dawn Coming Up

Tuohon nimien kantrimaisuuteen tuolla levyllä lienee luullakseni teitty syy... Ei nyt kovin määräävä syy, mutta syy kuitenkin. En tosin varmaksi tiedä niin ehkä jätän roikkumaan tälleen. Tosin kukas nyt mitään oikeasti KLF:n jutuista tietäisi kun ovat vissiin levittäneet ihan hyvin disinformaatiota.

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#6 kirjoitettu 22.02.2004 23:37

Curl Up and Dien biisien nimet ovat jänniä:

- We
- Are
- All
- Dead
- Doctor Doom. A Man Of Science, Doesn't Believe In Jesus, Why The Fuck Do You?
- You'd Be Cuter If I Shot You In the Face
- Kissing You Is Like Licking An Ashtray
- Rich Hall (Runner Up In A Carson Daly Lookalike Contest)
- Damn Girl, that Shit is Deep Like the Ocean
- .. - ... .- ..-. ..- -.-. -.- .. -. --. - .. -- . -- .- -.-. .... .. -. . ( = It's a fucking time machine)
- If This Band Thing Doesn't Pan Out, We're Joining the Army
- God is in His Heaven, All is Right with the World
- Nuclear waste? Bring that Shit (We Want a State Full of Radiated Super Heroes)
- 100 M.P.H. Vomit Dedicated To Jon
- Utah: The Whoopie Cushion of America


^ Vastaa Lainaa

901 viestiä

#7 kirjoitettu 23.02.2004 00:32

Paras minkä mä tiedän on:
Bentley Rythm Ace - Who Put the Boom in the Boom Boom Diddleye Boom

Ei kyllä countryä toikaan.

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#8 kirjoitettu 23.02.2004 00:38

Godspeed You! Black Emperorin sivuprojektien biisien nimiä:

-perfumed pink corpses from the lips of ms. celine dion
-sister! brother! small boats of fire are falling from the sky
-pepsi sunset in monacoca-cola
-the day patio door saved my ass in baltimore, the best city in america
-if anyone in this high school fucks with you for being a freak, just tell me and i'll kick his ass

ja Melt Bananalta löytyy:

-shield for your eyes, a beast in the well on your hand
-like a white bat in a box, dead matters go on
-key is a fact that a cat brings
-hunter in the rain to cut the neck up in the present stage

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Henkinen tuki
7422 viestiä

#9 kirjoitettu 23.02.2004 12:37

Myös Anal Cunt -nimisellä H.C. bändillä on hauskoja biisien nimiä. Näistä on saatu monet naurut. Tässä mm. "I like It when you die" -levyn biisilista...

Jack Kevorkian Is Cool
You've Got No Friends
You Keep A Diary
You Own A Store
You Got Date Raped
Recycling Is Gay
You're A Cop
You Can't Shut Up
You've Got Cancer
We Just Disagree
Hungry Hungry Hippos
You Are An Interior Decorator
Pottery's Gay
Rich Goyette Is Gay
Branscombe Richmond
You Live In Allston
You Are A Good Food Critic
Just The Two Of Us
Your Band's In The Cut-Out Bin
You're Gay
You Look Adopted
Your Cousin Is George Lynch
You Have Goals
You Drive An Iroc
You Play On A Softball Team
Because You're Old
You Sell Cologne
Being A Cobbler Is Dumb
You Live In A Houseboat
Richard Butler
311 Sucks
Your Kid Is Deformed
You Are An Orphan
You're Old (Fuck You)
You Go To Art School
You're Best Friend Is You
You're In A Coma
Windchimes Are Gay
No, We Don't Want To Do A Split 7" With Your Stupid Fucking Band
Reni Auberjonois
Internet Is Gay
Ha, Ha Your Wife Left You
Hootie And The Blowfish
You Went To See Dishwalla And Everclear (You're Gay)
Locking Drop Dead In McDonalds
Technology's Gay
Your Favorite Band Is Supertramp
I'm In Anal Cunt
You (Fill In The Blank)
Kyle From Incantation Has A Mustache

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu