2682 viestiä Ylläpitäjä
#3 kirjoitettu 25.11.2003 03:06
Suora lainaus allmusic.comista:
"Luke Vibert is one of a new breed of European club music experimentalists whose work spans several genres simultaneously, and is one of a very few of that set to make any headway with U.S. audiences. A native of Cornwall, Vibert's work has been compared with other West Country bedroom denizens like Aphex Twin and µ-Ziq, although his output over the past few years has been far more eclectic than that connection would seem to imply. Beginning with tweaky post-techno and moving through ambient and experimental hip-hop as Wagon Christ and, more recently, experimental drum'n'bass as Plug, Vibert has explored the outer reaches of post-techno electronica without sounding hasty or swank. Although Vibert's first musical experience was in a Beastie Boys knockoff band called the Hate Brothers, he quickly moved into the low-cost environment of solo bedroom composition. Although he had no intention of ever releasing any of the work, his reputation as a creative young voice in stylistic crosspollination has created an increasing demand for his pioneering, often left-field work. "
Niin siis, britannialainen, tarkemmin sanottuna Cornwallilainen herra kuka vääntää ja on vääntänyt jo hyvän tovin (since '94) kokeellisenpuoleista konemusiikkia sekoittaen monenlaisia tyylejä hiphopista kummalliseen vinkuvaan acid-soundiin ja samplattuun materiaaliin. Rikkonaiset biitit ja erikoisen häiriintynyt hopahtava yleisfiilis ja kieli poskessa tehdyt leffasamplaukset ja -soundit ovat herran tavaramerkki. Toiminut pseudonyymeilla Wagon Christ, Luke Vibert, Butler Keiv, Ace of Clubs, Amen Andrews, Kerrier District ja Plug, julkaissut musiikkiaan lafkoilla Rephlex, Warp, Cologne, Ninja Tune, Astralwerks, Law & Auder, Rising High, Cooking Vinyl, Blue Planet/Blue Angel, Nothing, Planet Mu, Electro Bunker ja Mo'Wax.