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Kirjoittaja Myyty! M-Audio Audiophile 2496 äänikortti

114 viestiä

#1 kirjoitettu 28.06.2014 17:49 Muok:06.07.2014 12:17

Eli myynnissä M-Audio Audiophile 2496 äänikortti.

Kortti on Pro Tools yhteensopiva. S/PDIF, ASIO, 2 x 2 full-duplex audio performance, 24-bit/96kHz, 1 x 1 MIDI I/O

The M-Audio Audiophile 2496 sound card is an easy way to upgrade your Windows or Mac computer's integrated audio for professional-level audio production. Delivering above CD-quality 24-bit/96kHz fidelity, there are individual left- and right-channel analog coaxial gold-plated RCA jacks. A nine-pin breakout cable connects to the card adding a set of coaxial digital S/PDIF and MIDI I/Os. Combined with the included Ableton Live Lite 5 software you can produce and playback professional-sounding recordings right out of the box.

The Audiophile 2496 is part of the company's Delta series of sound cards that use a 36-bit embedded DSP (digital signal processor) for software-driven routing of all analog I/O with extremely fast throughput for instant monitoring software-based monitoring. A single unified control panel provides settings for clock and sample rates, buffer sizes and individual signal levels for every input and output, easily accessible through most professional audio software applications for seamless integration and operation.

Lisätietoja: http://www.m-audio.com...

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KimmoP muokkasi viestiä 12:15 06.07.2014


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