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Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu

Kirjoittaja Keoma - Otvot's Orbit. Salaisuudet ja syventyminen osa 1: Meditaatio

6 viestiä

#1 kirjoitettu 07.12.2012 08:28 Muok:07.12.2012 17:00

Have you noticed all the cool details in Otvot’s Orbit? Radio static, spacey atmospheres and radio traffic between cosmonauts and ground control. Therefore I'm writing this series of posts to highlight some things that I think are big part of the atmosphere and feeling of the EP and open a new dimension of Otvot's Orbit.

In the end of BKD there is a part that has spacey sounds and bells playing in the background. It is actually the beginning of a pineal meditation composement called "Journey to Frequency" which is meditational music composed to help you transcend your current state of consciousness and awaken to a heightened state of awareness. Pineal meditation, as referred to in reference to this song, is a collection of frequencies, tones, and hypnotic sounds to help reduce stress levels, increase your awareness, and bring you into harmony with your surroundings. Enrico found this clip and suggested that we should do something similar as a passage between songs. It sounded so cool that we contacted the composer Pineal Meditation Music and asked if we can use his work. He was really cool about it and gave us permission to use the track. Try it out and tell us if it works for you!


Journey Into Frequency by Pineal Meditation

BKD by Keoma

veezay siirsi ketjun demoihin 17:00 07.12.2012

^ Vastaa Lainaa

6 viestiä

#2 kirjoitettu 12.12.2012 10:44

Seuraava Keomablogi kertoo lisää Otvot's Orbit:in taustalla olevista salaisuuksista, muun muassa ensimmäisen eläimen, joka kävi avaruudessa. Laika -nimisen koiran sydämenlyönnit ovat tallentuneet sydämmiimme ja mieliimme.

Secrets of Otvot's Orbit part 2 - Lost cosmonauts

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu