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Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu

Kirjoittaja neighbours

Erityinen tuki
4525 viestiä

#1 kirjoitettu 12.04.2010 00:55

have you ever witnessed homicide-sounding noises from behind ur wall whilst living in a tower block? i have.

sadly she seems to have survived again. (she´s screamed for the last 24 months at least weekly)

^ Vastaa Lainaa

20409 viestiä

#2 kirjoitettu 12.04.2010 19:04

snackeboo kirjoitti:
have you ever witnessed homicide-sounding noises from behind ur wall whilst living in a tower block? i have.

sadly she seems to have survived again. (she´s screamed for the last 24 months at least weekly)

My neighbours make same kind of sound that can be found usually at Alibi-magazine with grotesque pictures. Sadly both of them are still alive. In another hand, I can found piss and blood in the stairway. That's cool.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

20409 viestiä

#3 kirjoitettu 12.04.2010 23:34

pyörätuoli kirjoitti:
The neighbour below my flat is sneezing so loud that I think his death is only a matter of [rather short] time. Then he'll be dead for at least half a year in his flat before he will be found as well as another male from the very same building.

You are living in Egypt of Lappeenranta. There is mummy's everywhere.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

20409 viestiä

#4 kirjoitettu 16.04.2010 17:49

pyörätuoli kirjoitti:
They should modify the building to look like a pyramid

Do you wanna be my Pharaoh?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

20409 viestiä

#5 kirjoitettu 26.04.2010 23:37

I just heard that my wall neighbours (those who sounds alibi-like) are run away, there were obvious so lot's of loans to pay, that they decided to take "little trip".

^ Vastaa Lainaa

674 viestiä

#6 kirjoitettu 09.09.2010 12:17

I Love my neighbours because i have no idea about who they are.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Erityinen tuki
4525 viestiä

#7 kirjoitettu 07.10.2010 01:15

one smokes weed
one just screams
i think one died
or lies there paralyzed
my favourite one
is the one´s that´s probably gone
but either way
there´s nothing they can say
about me when i play
or have wild orgies
with jap virgins as plates
cos i at least shut up at 11
when one smokes weed
other one screams
one kicked the bucket
i feel gutted

^ Vastaa Lainaa

8 viestiä

#8 kirjoitettu 07.10.2010 16:01

My neighbours are alcoholics, both of them in their late 50s. You don't know if they have sex or fight over the bottle.... the sound is disturbingly morbid. In the Summer he usually shows his verbal love on the balcony by calling her a whore, bitch or anything else you can imagine. Lovely!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

8780 viestiä

#9 kirjoitettu 13.10.2010 01:12

All my neighbors are old folks. The youngest is the dude that lives downstairs from me. I think i am the most troublemaking person in this establishment. I caused a incident where there was water damage in my whole apartment and two of the apartments downstairs. Also i'm the only one that makes any noice. Well my next door neighbors complained to the previous person that lived here that my ex and i make too much noice when we have sex. That was kinda hillarious to hear.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Erityinen tuki
4525 viestiä

#10 kirjoitettu 15.12.2010 09:58

Coivisto kirjoitti:
neighbors complained to the previous person that lived here that my ex and i make too much noice when we have sex. That was kinda hillarious to hear.

to them or to you?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Erityinen tuki
4525 viestiä

#11 kirjoitettu 05.04.2011 09:00

The gradu making seems also interesting there, only draw egg in inter net.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Erityinen tuki
4525 viestiä

#12 kirjoitettu 05.04.2011 10:15

I´ve a new neighbour, old one moved to enter tampere police academy. New one is teen age chick, I´m expecting vomit and giggling when doomsday tuparit are here.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

4927 viestiä

#13 kirjoitettu 29.04.2011 23:47 Muok:29.04.2011 23:47

Either the family across the hall or the one next to them bangs the elevator door against our door several times a day. Fuckin' annoying. Maybe I'll just start kicking their doors as hard as I can evey time I pass by and see if I get to test my melee skills.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

445 viestiä

#14 kirjoitettu 22.05.2011 05:36

i have nice neigbours. and many of them. some old womans are jesus prayers but i think one day i try turn them into satan.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Valium for Van Gogh
Valium for Van Gogh
11143 viestiä

#15 kirjoitettu 27.05.2011 02:38

BoyOfSatanus kirjoitti:
i have nice neigbours. and many of them. some old womans are jesus prayers but i think one day i try turn them into satan.

I tried that once too. Something went wrong. I guess it was my Latin. Anyways, he turned into Azazel. ...or well, was possessed by Azazel technically, but whatever. I had to exorcise that bastard back to hell. What a fucking waste of time.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11310 viestiä

#16 kirjoitettu 27.05.2011 03:51

Neighbours are people too. Unless you live in the Underdark. Then it's more than likely that they are some sort of aberrations like mind flayers or beholders. In that case you must slay them with righteous fury! Go for the eyes Boo, GO FOR THE EYES! RAAAARRGH!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

141 viestiä

#17 kirjoitettu 03.06.2011 15:34

I just had new neighbours. They're +65. No trouble.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#18 kirjoitettu 14.07.2011 08:46 Muok:14.07.2011 08:49

My neighbors are looking like 70+, no homi. - - cide.

Tusina Immonen muokkasi viestiä 08:46 14.07.2011

Also my flatmate is my sister, where no murdering takes place either.

Her neighbor on the other hand is a young girl, very loud. Potential for an accidental whacking.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

5248 viestiä

#19 kirjoitettu 20.07.2011 03:26

I liked my neighbours until one talked to me, I didn't like that. Then they wanted me banished for being too loud, I said screw you. Then the waters came pouring down the ceiling - the bastards tryied to drown me. Now I have to wake up tomorrow for some random bob the builder to come and fix my kitchen, I might have to accidentally mora him in the lung if he wakes me up..

I love my neighbours, loved all the time - except till I moved in..

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1334 viestiä

#20 kirjoitettu 24.07.2011 18:08

quafka kirjoitti:
I think I am the problematic neighbour here. Although I don't stalk, complain, have kids or dogs etc, I do make that fucking noise. You know what's the ideal volume for mixing music? Well I don't. I tend to crank that dial.

My neighbour is a car-fixing dude, who's favourite hobby is paintball, and who couldn't care two shits about the "negro music" I alledgedly listen and make. He's also one of those, (*cough*) normal people, who wakes at 6 am and goes to work. Well I go to work too at a bit later hour, but that doesn't slow down my La vie de bohème. Hence, I must be reminded that the wonderful ear-filling wine also known as music can actually bother somebody.

For some reason however, we've managed to co-exist in a relatively peaceful manner. Maybe that's a bad sign. I should make more music.

I think I represent the same neighbour type. Mixing the same song(s), day after day for about 5 hours nonstop, knobs cranked. After a couple of months I realized I could hear my 50+ neighbour downstairs cough. And not even a very loud cough. Like a *köh*. Soon as I noticed this, I double facepalmed for recording mikseri.net rap battle tracks (MURDA STYLE) in my apartment about a week or two ago.

Also once my showering water went straight through my floor into his bathroom. The doorbell rang as he came to discuss it. He looked a bit confused when I shook his hand to greet the fellow, me wearing only a leopard patterned towel around me.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu