1473 viestiä
#1 kirjoitettu 16.10.2009 19:35
Kaunis kappale, jolla on surullinen historia. Oletko tutustunut? Mikä on sinun suosikkiveriosi?
"Rezső Seress (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈrɛʒøː ˈʃɛrɛʃ]; 3 November 1889 – 11 January 1968) (originally Spitzer) was a Hungarian pianist and composer."
"His most famous composition was "Szomorú Vasárnap" (Gloomy Sunday) written in 1933, which gained infamy as it became associated with a spate of suicides. The first suicide was Joseph Keller, a cobbler,in Budapest in February 1936. His suicide note contained the words of Gloomy Sunday. Following this event, 17 additional people took their lives i a way, related to the song.Over 100 others are rumoured to have done the same worldwide. Several jumped into the Danube clutching the sheet music, two shot themselves listening to a Gypsy band's rendition of the song, whilst one man requested the song in a nightclub before going outside and shooting himself.
Outside of Hungary, a Berlin shoekeeper hung herself with a copy of Gloomy Sunday at her feet, in New York a young secretary gassed herself, having requested the song be played at her funeral and saddest of all, a 14 year old girl drowned herself while holding the sheet music to the song. The BBC decided that it was in the public interest to ban the song from broadcast (it had been translated into English and many other languages including Esperanto), but later, allowed instrumental versions to be played on air. The full ban was re-imposed by the BBC however, when in London, a policeman heard an instrumental version of the song endlessly being played in an apartment on his beat (Cops had regular walking routes in London in those days). Investigating, he found another suicide."
"Perhaps the strangest of the suicides was in Rome, where an errand boy heard a beggar humming the tune and immediately got off of his bicycle, emptied his pockets and gave the contents to the beggar, before jumping into the river Tiber."
"Seress committed suicide in Budapest in January 1968, by jumping out of a window, adding more fuel to the fire as regards the power of the "Suicide song"."
jne jne...
Oma suosikkini lienee Björkin versio: http://www.youtube.com... vaikka ovatkin siinä käyttäneet jenkkiversion duuri-osaa, jota ei alkuperäisessä siis ollut.
Muita minulle uponneita versioita on: http://www.youtube.com...
http://www.youtube.com... (vaikkei tuo mikään Portishead ole)

Jumalan nyrkki 43152 viestiä Ylläpitäjä
#2 kirjoitettu 19.10.2009 11:32
Effekt kirjoitti:
Kaunis kappale, jolla on surullinen historia. Oletko tutustunut?
Ennenkuin sinulta kuulin, niin olin jo kuullut biisin, mutta historia ei ollut tarkemmin selvillä.
Mikä on sinun suosikkiveriosi?
Toi linkkamasi leffaversio ja Björkin vetäsyt olivat kyllä hyviä. Savikiekkorätinällisenäkin aika kiva biisi. Toimii.

118 viestiä
#3 kirjoitettu 31.10.2009 22:22 Muok:31.10.2009 22:22
Effekt kirjoitti:
Kaunis kappale, jolla on surullinen historia. Oletko tutustunut? Mikä on sinun suosikkiveriosi?
Tutustuin kappaleeseen Venetian Snaresin kautta. VS'n fanina tuli joskus syväluodattua levyn 'Rossz csillag alatt született' biisien nimiä ja merkityksiä:
"Its third track, "Öngyilkos vasárnap" is a cover of the song "Szomorú vasárnap" ("Gloomy Sunday") by Hungarian composer Rezső Seress, which has been referred to as the Hungarian suicide song. According to urban legend, Seress's song has inspired the suicide of multiple persons, including his fiancée. The song was reportedly banned in Hungary, but has been covered by many artists, including Billie Holiday. Her vocals are sampled in this track."
Juurikin tämä Venetian Snaresin versio on suosikkiversioni, Björk erittäin hyvänä kakkosena.

karman hardon
2008 viestiä
#6 kirjoitettu 09.11.2009 21:16
Billie Holidayn tulkinta on itsellekin tuttu entuudestaan, Björk on myös hieno tulkitsija. Biisin historiaa en tuntenut, mielenkiintoista tosiaan.

356 viestiä
#7 kirjoitettu 09.11.2009 23:00
Spheniscidae kirjoitti:
Billie Holidayn versio tuosta on oma suosikki
Tämäpä omakin suosikkini.
Täytyy sanoa, että tuota "itsemurha-aaltoa" en uskoisi kyllä kappaleen syyksi, mutta toisaalta varsinkin luettuani tuon alkuperäisen sanoituksen suoran käännöksen en ihmettele, miksi joku valitsisi sen taustamusiikiksi päiviensä päättämiselle.