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#26 kirjoitettu 10.02.2009 09:49
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bahlastiompehda kirjoitti:
maailmanvalloitussunnitelmista haaveilevien kannattaa katsoa tämä hyödyllinen opetusvideo
Noi yksinkertaiset tekniikat toimii yllättävän hyvin. Se on vaan outoo että joskus ne on laillisia ja joskus ei. Varmaan riippuu siitä kuinka hyödyllinen kyseessä oleva järjestö on, paljon se tekee rahaa, maksaako ne veroja, pukeutuuko ne mustiin jne.
Ei tota clippiä pysty katsomaan loppuun, ihan järkyttävä musiikki. Musiikki kusee ja täten se antaa aivopesusta ja ihmisistä yksinkertaisen kuvan katsojalle. Aivopesu vaatii paljon aikaa toteutuakseen, sekä periksiantamattomuutta. Ehkä se musiikki pyrki kuvastamaan aivopesun vaikeutta ilmiönä. En tiä. Ihan kamala video kuitenkin. Hirveät värit, pantava muija, ärsyttävä musiikki.
Toi olikin puolikas pätkä. Tässä kokonainen http://www.youtube.com...
Joku 70-luvun raakile mutta ainakin minua se nauratti. Normaalia kulttihihhulointia. Vähän huumoria sekoitettu mukaan mutta käsittääkseni kultit käyttävät noita tekniikoita hyvällä menestyksellä.
bahlastiompehda muokkasi viestiä 10:52 10.02.2009
Robert A. Wilsonin artikkeli aivopesusta:
When Patty Hearst was kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army on February 4, 1974, she was a "normal" young heiress. She was attending a normal college, had a normal live-in boyfriend and smoked a normal amount of weed for a young heiress of that time. 57 days later, she had become a new person, with a new name—Tania—and was living in a new reality tunnel. Where Patty had been heterosexual, Tania was bisexual. Where Patty largely accepted the Hearst family tunnel-reality with only a few "liberal" modifications typical of her age group, Tania was a violent and fanatic revolutionary. Where Patty had been respectful to her parents, Tania denounced them as "corporate liars" and castigated them as being involved in a capitalist plot to "murder" the poor people of the U.S. "down to the last man, woman and child." Where Patty had been "nice" and polite and certainly non-violent, Tania had her photo taken holding a tommy-gun and assisted in at least one bank robbery and perhaps other felonies.
What had happened? When Patty-Tania was captured and brought to trial, the defense claimed that she had been "brainwashed." The jury either did not understand or did not believe this; they sentenced Patty to prison for the crimes Tania had committed. Debate about this case continues to the present, since some people think Ms. Hearst was "responsible" for the consciousness change she underwent while held captive by the SLA and others are just as sure she was not "responsible." Leaving metaphysical questions of "responsibility" aside for a moment, it seems obvious that a young lady of Hearst's class and background would almost certainly not have taken up bank robbing if she had not first been kidnapped and incorporated by the SLA.
Since the SLA called itself an army, let us compare it to an army; this may prove illuminating. One does not get kidnapped into an army the way Hearst got
kidnapped into the SLA, but the process is not entirely dissimilar. U.S. Army recruiters do not break into a young man's house in the middle of night with guns, as the SLA did with Patty: they simply send the young man a notice in the mail. Nonetheless coercion is there; the young draftee knows that if he ignores the letter, government agents will be around to seize his body in a short while, (unless he flees the country.) He will then either go into the army or into jail. Thus, whether we are speaking about the S.L. Army or the U.S. Army, the subject is reduced to infantile helplessness: other people are deciding what is to be done to his or her body. One is pushed to the neonate position of being one foot high in a six foot tall world, as it were. Like the small child, one is learning that the first rule of survival is to obey. Most people (except nudists) are shy about appearing naked in public—and this is the most common of all nightmares, "There I was with no clothes on!" (Joyce made this the central incident in the dream that is all dreams, Finnegans Wake.) The first step in leaving the civilian reality-tunnel and being initiated into the Army reality-tunnel is, thus, the physical examination, in which the subject is stripped naked and made to march around a large building with other naked victims while the fully-clothed Army personnel give the briefest possible orders: "Stand up. Sit down. Go there. Come back here," etc. The Masonic initiation, which only removes part of the clothing of the subject, is a milder version of the stripping away of previously secure social parameters. What is really being "stripped away" is more subtle; it is the whole social system in which one has lived before being snatched by a U.S. or an S.L. Army. When the doctor tells the naked draftee, "Bend over. Spread your cheeks," so-called normal reality has ended as totally as if the victim had been incorporated into a surrealist movie. If an employer becomes too obnoxious, one can always find a new job. You cannot walk out on the U.S. or S.L. Army that way, because acute first-circuit helplessness is being imprinted.
Initiation into the "Manson family" is not dissimilar. Lynette Fromme was much like Patty Hearst — a "normal" American young woman, with less money than Hearst, but no special proclivity for criminal behavior. After passing through General Manson' s basic training, Lynette had become Squeaky Fromme and was convicted for pointing a gun at the U.S. President with seeming intent to assassinate him.
Human society as a whole is a vast brainwashing machine whose semantic rules and sex roles create a social robot. The concept of "washing" is, of course, unscientific and crude. The brain is not a dirty garment but an electro-colloidal information processor—a living network of over 110 billion nerve cells capable of (102733000) interconnections, a number higher than the total of all the atoms in the universe. In this elegant, micro-miniaturized biocomputer more than 100,000,000 processes are programmed every minute.
From the viewpoint of neuro-sociology, how I perceive "myself and "my world" depends on how each circuit has been wired in my brain. Society has always known how to wire children; the process is called acculturalization; it explains why children of Catholics tend to become Catholics, children of Samoans fit into Samoan society, children of Communists become good little Communists, etc. Each generation "brainwashes" the next. Christianity, Buddhism and Islam, between them, are the most potent brain-programming institutions on this planet. Approximately half the art and philosophy of the human race—the architecture, the music, the paintings, the literature, the educational ideals, the "great ideas"—has been influenced by and/or nurtured by these three great systems of theology. This is not to denigrate the contributions of Confucianism, Judaism, Hinduism, modern science, etc., but merely to emphasize the extent to which the higher civilizations have been shaped by the four creators of these three omni-religions: Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus and St. Paul. What did these four men have in common? Rapid brain-changes, after which they became a great Teachers. Most people (the present author included) would consider what happened to Patty Hearst "bad" and what happened to Buddha "good." It needs to be emphasized that both the "bad" and the "good" brain change experiences are functionally the same.
As pointed out earlier an army begins this process with the draft notice, which informs the subject that his body no longer belongs to him but to the government. The S.L. Army, seeking quicker brain change, began the conversion of Patty into Tania by taking her at gun point, but the message was the same: "We can do what we want with your body from now on." Firstcircuit bio-survival instincts thus become hooked to obeying those who have this awesome power—just as the infant learns to hook its bio-survival circuitry to the parental figures. Patty's ride in the trunk of a car (after being taken at gunpoint) is a classic rebirth ritual; the trunk is even womb-like in its contours. When the trunk opened, she was reborn into a new reality-tunnel, that of her captors. Similarly, where the earliest forms of masonic initiation survive and have not been diluted (Note the Adeptus Major Ritual in the Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic, by Israel Regardie, Falcon Press 1983.) the candidate is thrown into a well, and then "raised" as a newborn Freemason. Total submersion, the form of baptism preferred by Protestant fundamentalists, imitates this, but without the real anxiety that made traditional masonry and the SLA so effective as brain change agents.
All brainwashers empirically know (without in most cases ever having read Leary's eight-circuit model of the brain) that the oral bio-survival circuit seeks bonding with a mothering figure. To increase panic and imprint vulnerability, then, the subject, after being seized by the brainwashers (U.S. or S.L. Army, "secret police," or whoever they may be in a given case) is isolated from all those to whom bonding had previously been established. The draftee is sent to boot camp and sees no loved ones (wife, girlfriend, parents, etc.) for a number of weeks or months. The political prisoner is thrown into a dungeon. Patty Hearst was locked in a closet as soon as she was "rebirthed" out of the trunk of the car.
Experiments in isolation by the U.S. Marine Corps, Dr. John Lilly and others—and the records of shipwrecked sailors, as summarized by Lilly in Simulations of God—show that only a few hours of pure isolation may be necessary before hallucinations begin. These hallucinations, like those of psychedelic drugs, indicate the breaking down of previous imprints and the onset of vulnerability to new imprints.
The need to bond the bio-survival circuit to somebody (or some thing) is indicated by the giraffe who imprinted on the hunter's jeep as a mother-substitute. Similarly, children without siblings, especially those in remote rural areas, often invent imaginary playmates, which can become "real" enough to frighten the parents into suspecting the onset of psychosis. Dr. Lilly's records of sailors and explorers in isolation show that such "guides," "companions" or "holy guardian angels" reappear quickly even in adulthood when normal social contact is removed. They also come promptly to those undergoing the mysterious state called "near-death" or "out of body experience," (e.g., when the heart stops on the operating table.)
The first human being who appears to the subject after this isolation can easily become bonded as the mother-substitute, or, next best, as a father-substitute. This explains why people held prisoner by terrorists (e.g., on hijacked airplanes) often develop a "paradoxical" sympathy for those who are threatening to kill them. It also explains why the draftee begins to look on his kidnappers as protectors as well as captors, and why the brainwash victim begins to please, gratify and eventually "respect" the brainwasher.
In all cases, since the bio-survival circuit is keyed to nourishment, those who bring food become possible subjects for bonding. The political prisoner, the draftee, the subject kidnapped by terrorists, all move somewhat closer to identification/bonding with their captors as they are fed regularly. Again, this is imitated crudely by various religions (without the terror that creates true imprint vulnerability) by following baptism/rebirth rituals with a communal meal or Holy Eucharist.
Adaptations of these principles can be applied even to those who walk into the brainwashing environment voluntarily at first, as in People's Temple, the Manson Family, and similar organizations. The first step, once the victim is inside the territory (commune), is to begin isolation by cutting off all communication with the outer world and its conflicting reality-tunnels. Meanwhile, a parental-protective atmosphere is quickly created (sometimes called "love-bombing") and food is provided.
Whether the subject has entered voluntarily as in these communes, or has been kidnapped or arrested (as in police states), the next stage is to break down the second-circuit emotionalterritorial imprints. That means that the subject continues to be fed (maintaining first-circuit oral dependence) while the secondcircuit ego is attacked in every manner possible. A point-bypoint comparison of the techniques of a Synanon "gamer" and U.S. Army drill sergeant, for instance, would show astonishing similarities, since the basic message is dozens and dozens of variations on "You are all wrong. We are all right. It is extremely unlikely that somebody as wrong as you will become right, ever, but we will try to teach you." The anal vocabulary of territorial status is, of course, employed extensively. The ideal subject may almost forget his or her name and become conditioned to answering to "You asshole, come here."
The sense of bottom dog helplessness can be escalated by periodic doses of real terror. One of Charlie Manson's famous sayings was "Fear is the great teacher," and every brainwasher would agree ardently. In communist countries (as dramatized in Costa-Gravas's fine and factual film, The Confession) a favourite trick is to take the subject out of his cell, march him to a courtyard, place a noose about his neck, and convince him he is about to be hanged. The relief, when this turns out to be a bluff, creates ideal imprint vulnerability. A variation in my novel Illuminatus! has the victim persuaded he has been poisoned, dumped in a coffin and the lid slammed upon him. Those who have been initiated as Mark Master Freemasons will recognize at once that the same technique is the "mark that you will carry to your grave."
Among the Zuni Indians, the male at adolescence is kidnapped by masked "demons" who carry him away from the tribe (away from mother and other imprinted security figures.) He is dragged out into the desert and threatened with whips. Then the masks come off, revealing his maternal uncles, and in that moment of imprint vulnerability the tribal "secrets" (the local reality-tunnel) are explained in a way that leave an indelible mark on his consciousness. Similar rites of passage are found in all tribes, few as cleverly designed as this one. Symbolic and diluted versions survive in Bar Mitzvahs and Confirmation ceremonies in our local mega-tribes.
The rebirthing of the second circuit is (relatively) complete when the Bottom Dog subject begins to seek, sincerely (not hypocritically) to win the approval of the Top Dogs. This, of course, only begins as play-acting; the skilled brainwasher knows that, and does not really object. With subtle reinforcement the play-acting becomes more and more genuine. Edmund Burke noted long ago, and every Method Actor knows, that you cannot make three dramatic gestures of rage in a political speech, without beginning to feel some real rage. You cannot make three gestures of submission without beginning to feel really submissive. (This is the psychology of the "company man," who truly identifies with his employer after years of obedience.)
The draftee first tries to please the sergeant, to avoid further humiliation and punishment. Gradually, he genuinely wants to please the sergeant, i.e., to prove he is not all wrong and is "good enough" to be a soldier. Patty Hearst undoubtedly pretended to accept the SLA reality-tunnel at first, and gradually found the presence becoming more and more real.
This process is accelerated by a system of occasional rewards, as the subject more and more often emits (as the Behaviorists would say) the desired behaviors. Since people are more complicated than Behaviorists know, it is necessary to vary this with occasional punishments for "insincerity," or "backsliding," so that the subject learns that after the initial stage, it is not enough to pretend to accept the new reality-tunnel; to escape further humiliation, ego-loss, terrorism and permanent Bottom Dog status, one must begin to accept it sincere/y. After the imprint of helplessness had been made, this conditioning and learning will proceed fairly smoothly, especially if the Chief Brainwasher's confederates reinforce it with encouragement, support, and general "reward" (for sincere submission) and contempt, disappointment and general rejection (for insincerity or backsliding.)
Reimprinting the third semantic circuit can now follow easily. The human brain is capable of mastering any symbol-system if sufficiently motivated. Some people can even play Beethoven's late piano music, although to me this is as "miraculous" as any feat alleged by psychic researchers; people can learn French, Hindustani, differential calculus, Swahili, etc. ad. infinitum—if motivated. When the first circuit security needs have been reimprinted and second-circuit ego-needs have been hooked to
mastering a new semantic reality-tunnel, that tunnel will be imprinted.
At this point a certain amount of arbitrary nonsense is of great value. That is, the new reality-tunnel or symbol-system (like the old one) should contain pitfalls (gross violations of previous reality tunnels and common sense) so that the subject can be accused of backsliding (being "all wrong," after all) and thereby incited to try harder to become part of the new reality-tunnel.
Thus, Jehovah's Witnesses may not accept blood transfusions, even if their life depends on it: harder still (since all mammals have an instinct to protect their young) they must reject blood transfusions for their children, even if the children die of this neglect. A Roman Catholic woman may not be divorced even if her husband comes home drunk every night, beats her up and gives her VD. In the U.S. Marines, a recruit who commits the hideous crime of calling a rifle a "gun" must walk around the base with his rifle in one hand and his penis in the other reciting to everybody he meets, "This is my rifle/This is my gun/This is for fighting/This is for fun." Theosophists were once required to believe that there is a hole at the North Pole going down to the
center of the earth; Manson required his followers to believe the hole was in the Mojave Desert. Nazi Party members were asked to believe that the lion is an Aryan animal and the rabbit non-Aryan. Etc.
The neurological and sociological function of such "nonsense" (which makes the Rationalist gasp in shock) is to sharply segregate those within the new reality-tunnel from those outside. This makes for group solidarity, group-reinforcement, and a strong sense of alienation and discomfort when on rare occasions it is necessary to talk at all with those outside the brainwasher's semantic system. The group must ensure, of course, that this alienation is experienced as "superiority." Those who are outside the reality-tunnel must be perceived as "all wrong"—just as the subject was, before being brainwashed.
Drugs can be, and have been, used to fine-tune these processes, but the general neurological principles are powerful enough that it is quite likely that many famous cases of brainwashing were accomplished as above described, without any drugs at all—e.g., the American soldiers who confessed to war crimes which they evidently had not committed, the loyal Communists who confessed to Trotskyite conspiracies which seemingly never existed, etc. It takes very few weeks for most armies, without drugs, to convert a civilian into a soldier, even though the two species are as different as Roman Catholics and Shintoists.
In one of my Immortal Novels I describe a religious cult called Loonies, founded by one Neon Bal Loon, in which members pray in pig-Latin while standing on one leg like storks. This is considered satire, but any would-be messiah who understands the above principles could create such a cult easily; and the members would soon have a quite sincere sense of superiority to those outside that reality-tunnel.
Cults and outlaw terrorists generally follow the above procedures by further rewiring of the fourth, socio-sexual circuit. (Governments usually leave that circuit alone, since government agents are largely puritanical-authoritarian and afraid to get involved at all with raw Eros.) It is no secret that the most powerful secret society of the middle ages, the Knights Templar, forced recruits to participate in both blasphemy and sodomy. Just as the deliberate nonsense of all cultish third-circuit semantics isolates the group from the rest of society, this initiation separated the Templars from the rest of Christendom; the alienation could easily be conditioned into a sense of superiority. The Mau-Maus in Kenya also insisted on one act of homosexuality to break the new member's previous conditioning toward heterosexuality and monogamy. Other cults, some quite well known, attempt to repress sexuality entirely—another way of breaking the statistically normal imprinting of the fourth circuit.
The Manson Family insisted on what might be called, oxymoronically, compulsory free love. The Army serves normal amative bonds and casts the subject into a world where compulsory celibacy alternates with whore-house adventures and, quite often, the rape of enemy women, with homosexuality as an everpresent hidden option. A current American guru, Da Free John, imprints his subjects for lifelong monogamy, almost like the outside U.S. culture, but is indifferent as to whether these pairings are heterosexual or homosexual. Whatever variation the cult-leader may choose, what makes for successful "separate reality" is that it be in some respect outlandishly different from that of the major society.
The easiest way to get brainwashed is to be born. All of the above principles then immediately go into action, a process which social psychologists euphemistically call socialization. The bio-survival circuit automatically hooks onto or bonds to the most appropriate mother or mothering object; the emotionalterritorial circuit looks for a "role" or ego-identification in the family or tribe; the semantic circuit learns to imitate and then use the local reality-grids (symbol systems); the socio-sexual circuit is imprinted by whatever mating experiences are initially available at puberty.
The subjects may not come out of this process ready to murder women and children, like the graduate of boot camp, or even willing to believe that Charlie Manson was both Jesus and Satan simultaneously, or willing to spout New Left slogans while
robbing banks. The subjects come out of normal "socialization" depending on where and when they were born as Eskimo totemists, Moslem fundamentalists, Roman Catholics, Marxist Leninists, Nazis, Methodist Republicans, Oxford-educatedagnostics, snake worshippers, Ku Kluxers, Mafiosos, Unitarians,
IRA-ists, PLO-ists, orthodox Jews, hardshell Baptists, etc. etc.
The universe or existence, is obviously large enough and complex enough and the ego self-centered enough, that all of these reality-tunnels are capable of "making sense," to some degree, to those imprinted/conditioned to accept them. It is also obvious that most of these reality-tunnels contain elements so absurd that everybody not imprinted/conditioned by them looks at them with astonishment and dismay, wondering "How can a rational person (or peoples) believe such rubbish?"