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Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu

Kirjoittaja Sanoittaja - etsii bändejä joille sanoittaa.

17 viestiä

#1 kirjoitettu 09.08.2008 12:51

Elikkäs - sanoittaja etsii bändejä joille sanoittaa.
Kirjoitan melkein aiheesta kuin aiheesta tai siitä mitä se musiikki tuo mieleen. Kirjoitan "Taiteilija nimellä" Hades Crane.
Noin 3 vuotta olen sanoituksia kirjoittanut - parille bändille myös, mm. Valuegraph ja Unhonesty Souls.
Ja kirjoitan sanoituksia englannksi, mutta myös suomeksi, tässä jotain näytteitä, oiken kirjoituksessa voi olla vikaa - mutta tarkistutan sanoitukseni aina ennen kuin ne lähetän ne eteenpäin:

Hades Crane - Unhonesty Souls

I believed that this could be
our change to believe
in our daydreams and make them come true
We get all support - we were a good team
Together we were complete
But suddenly that all collapsed and went wrong
Now those days are gone

There's nothing for me anymore
In your dreams....
My dreams are wasted
But someday I will rise of these ashes of mine
and show you that you won't get rid of me...

The pain what you gave me
that dosen't kill me
at least it's hurts, but still my heart beats
The tears what I cried for you
they won't kill me
at least it's makes me blind, but still my heart beats

I believed that my dreams can come true
if I try hard. but it's seems to be that I was totally wrong
Now I need to collect the pieces of my dream from the floor
There's no turning back - for me in those times
Maybe I will leave you behind - move on alone
And maybe in my next life I will have my revenge

There's nothing for me anymore
In your dreams....
My dreams are wasted
But someday I will rise of these ashes of mine
and show you that you won't get rid of me...

The pain what you gave me
that dosen't kill me
at least it's hurts, but still my heart beats
The tears what I cried for you
they won't kill me
at least it's makes me blind, but still my heart beats

And now you all believe in your lies!
You're seeing daydreams
Where nothing is true
and now you're, and now you're

The pain what you gave me
that dosen't kill me
at least it's hurts, but still my heart beats
The tears what I cried for you
they won't kill me
at least it's makes me blind, but still my heart beats

Hades Crane - ROSIE

Mother where's your children now?
Make sure that they don't hear this story so cruel
Your life has been hard, too many setbacks in your life
You never had chage to be young and wild
Too early you needed to be grown-up and watch after your mother

Your mother ruined your dreams, killed that love
what is between mother and child
Too many times you needed to be disappointed
She broke those promises what she made
And she drive you away - when you were sad and alone
Oh - Rosie - You're so alone...

So young and wild, mind like for a child
with that innonce face
She was too yound to carry on that load alone

So beautiful and kind, mind like for a child
won't go home anymore
memories too bright, cuts like knife
she's alone again

Now there's only hate what you feel and
forgiveness is not the word what you want to hear
maybe someday the sun will shine and you can be her child again
Rosie, don't give up now - there will be a light...

Mother are your children still away?
Make sure that they don't what I need to say
Your mother passed away in one rainy day
She wished that you will pray - for her soul again
Now your pain is gone away

So young and wild, mind like for a child
with that innonce face
She was too yound to carry on that load alone

So beautiful and kind, mind like for a child
won't go home anymore
memories too bright, cuts like knife
she's alone again


Everything is nothing to me, I can't care less
This kind of man I am - Cold and Heartless
I know it would be nice to be proud of something
But no... Those kind of things are not for me

My first name is sorrow and my friend is misery
In these cold winter nights their company warms me
I know I should be proud from this life of mine
No... It would be better for me that I could sleep under the soil

I'll see how you all go down in your sweet despair
I'll be the last who shows the truth front of your eyes
And those reasons what we fighted for
Are gone... and those were... nothing at all

... Everything is nothing to me, I can't care less
This kind of man I am - Cold and Heartless
... I know I should be proud from this life of mine
No... It would be better for me that I could sleep under the soil



I knew the girl who hated the love
Still she tried to love
In her heart and in her soul
Which were black like the soil of the ground
And I don't know that how she survied
From that relation of Suicide
And I don't know that how she can smile
After that Romance Of Suicide

You can't love her every day
But you can have her every way
You can't love her every day
But you can have her every way
You can't love her every day
But you can have her every way

I don't know that how she survied
From that relation of Suicide
And I don't know that how she can smile
After that Romance Of Suicide
Maybe we all are so blind
That we don't see her hidden pain
Or maybe we are so fucking deaf
That we didn't hear how she cried

You can't love her every day
But you can have her every way
You can't love her every day
But you can have her every way
You can't love her every day
But you can have her every way

Jos kiinnostus heräsi tai jotain muuta vastaavaa -
postia saapi lähettää: hades.crane@wippies.fi

^ Vastaa Lainaa

283 viestiä

#2 kirjoitettu 15.09.2008 15:02

teetkö räp biiseihin? voitko vastata private viestil ku en käy kattoo tääl usein!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

283 viestiä

#3 kirjoitettu 07.10.2008 16:24

öö.. siis ei sittekää räp biiseihi ku niihihän tehää sanat ite! ja sitä yht bändijuttuu mitä ajattelin nii en enää tekää!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

10911 viestiä

#4 kirjoitettu 07.10.2008 20:30

zimbe kirjoitti:
öö.. siis ei sittekää räp biiseihi ku niihihän tehää sanat ite! ja sitä yht bändijuttuu mitä ajattelin nii en enää tekää!

Mä luulen, että ei se sun uskottavuutes enää tosta ainakaan kärsi.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

17 viestiä

#5 kirjoitettu 09.11.2008 19:49

Millasia sanotuksia ajattelit?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

8 viestiä

#6 kirjoitettu 11.11.2008 14:17


minä tarvitsisin kipeästi sanoittajaa, sillä en itse handlaa sitä hommaa. minulla on yksi tausta musiikki valmiina, kunnon sanat siihe pitäisi vielä saada.

mites olisi yhteistyö?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu