English forum it's mikseri's first nightmare

1489 viestiä
#1 kirjoitettu 01.08.2008 21:38
nobody don't write here this forum place is dead.
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11310 viestiä
#2 kirjoitettu 01.08.2008 21:53
English forum is *happy*. It is not *frumple*. *Smooth house* all the time, *bright* for good *parties* with *campers*!
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3343 viestiä
#3 kirjoitettu 02.08.2008 11:18
It's like a zen forum. Everything and nothing. http://www.blackmounta...
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1692 viestiä
#4 kirjoitettu 02.08.2008 13:00
Wai wi duu speek enklant wen wi kult speek suomi? Fuck satan vittu.
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#5 kirjoitettu 02.08.2008 16:34
RajoitettuYdintuho kirjoitti:
nobody don't write here this forum place is dead.
English has become the trade language of the world...making this a place where the greatest diversity at this time can meet at some middle ground, a Middle Eastern speaking Arabic can speak with a Mexican speaking Spanish, if both speak English.
This forum place is not dead, presence alone demonstrates this. I surf the net all over, and I have noticed that many forums are comprised of communities that stay where they are, I am on over 100 forums, its fun to investigate what different communities are like, to interact with them, learn from them, and get a better picture of how the mind sets around the world are.
I believe in the near future we will be doing things differently, knowledge is developing at a faster rate then it has ever before on earth, and the means to learn and acquire the abilities to move about are appearing. We live in an Information age, meaning information is coming at us faster then ever before. It won't take long before this leads to new possibilities, such as star travel, which would lead to extra-terrestrial contact, and who knows what from there?
Before dismissing this possibility, let's remember at one time we where told the world is flat, or that it would be impossible to fly. Now we are flying around the world...Maybe in the future we won't need the Airplanes we're using now...we'll simply do it with our minds...?
Before I digress...
Give it some time, these English threads will be getting more visitors...
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#6 kirjoitettu 02.08.2008 17:31
I have an idea!
You could play some creepy nightmare music while visiting the English in th movie Psycho or Friday the 13th (I forgot the theme music for Nighmare on Elm street...sorry)...
Huh huh huh huh
Chch chch chch chch
Huh huh huh huh
Chch chch chc chch
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#7 kirjoitettu 03.08.2008 17:44
Sunt1o kirjoitti:
That is, supposing there are any extra terrestial beings capable of contact.
The circumstances for carbon-based life to appear as we know it are very hard to meet, given the need for water, temperature, and other factors. Though, given the size of the Universe, statistics at least imply that it is a given certainty that elsewhere these circumstances are also met. Billions of billions of stars, though many of them with overwhelming immediate environments carbon-life (as we know it) is not possible, though still with billions of stars where the planet is at the right distance to have temperatures close to ours with atmospheric conditions, and water; this and that seemingly spontaneous ability of life to manifest- I take my chances that the supposition is safe.
Its most likely simply a matter of ingenuity to make contact possible. I'm banking that it can be done, we just don't know the procedure yet.
Sunt1o kirjoitti:
I'm pretty sure that even in 1000years the new things that have made a difference by then are the kinda things we really can't even come up now. I mean, we know there's going to be lots of new stuff and all but the new stuff always seems to be something you never expect.
Flying will probably get new kinda machinery at some point tho. That's pretty sure.
At the rate we are going, I am left wondering if we even have 1000 years left to exist, before we either wipe ourselves out with knowledge, or we are wiped out because we failed to get the knowledge needed to do this in time.
This is saying I suspect that our level of awareness is now hitting an exponential curve, and information is compounding, new computers are being made by old computers, which can then be programmed to provide the means to make even newer and better computers. If we are hitting an exponential technological development rate, the stuff is gonna be coming out of the walls at us everywhere we turn...nano, wave, radio, electronic, digital...put this together and you can even program data into a rock...wacky but true.
If that curve really is exponential, which is a pattern that appears within natural time cycles, given that they always generate attractions, then what happens when that curve hits Infinity? We would hit the limit be going unlimited!!! That would be something, wouldn't it? Everyone would become God-like just like that...wallah!
Then again I could be wrong and we could end up just hitting a peak and at one point sitting still for a while, though given our drive and ability to acquire at this time I doubt it. Competition is pushing us forward quickly. I spent most of my life looking for the general pattern of time, its looking pretty good if my observations are correct... .
Time will tell...
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Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä
#8 kirjoitettu 03.08.2008 20:35
All that talk about carbon-based life while nothing limits it to only carbon.
How about sulphur- or silicon-based life?
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11310 viestiä
#9 kirjoitettu 03.08.2008 23:25
After-Ego kirjoitti:
All that talk about carbon-based life while nothing limits it to only carbon.
How about sulphur- or silicon-based life?
Or even nitrogen. At least ammonia seems like a possible alternative solvent.
However, the Rare Earth hypothesis is something to look into if you're interested in astrobiology. Then again it mainly concerns carbon-based life somewhat similar to what we have on Earth.
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4644 viestiä
#10 kirjoitettu 04.08.2008 00:07
RajoitettuYdintuho kirjoitti:
nobody don't write here this forum place is dead.
it's amazing how ppl keep whining about this
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#11 kirjoitettu 04.08.2008 19:48
I suppose I am considering humanoid life form similar to us, when I speak of encountering life out there. I'm guessing it's this simple, if this is, then it's likely that they are wondering the same things we are and the possibility of making contact cannot be ruled out completely.
My mother told once she encountered some extra-terrestrials, and then there are so many other reports, is every single one of these nothing more then the ramblings of some delusional perception? Area 51? Ultimately I consider it to be beyond anyone on Earth to know (unless off course, there are insiders keeping lips sealed tight...), thus I am open to the possibility...also, my perceptive senses encountered life that was not of Earth, though it was not even physical, more like a hologram with an intense emotional gravity about it. Such experiences can play with the mind.
Regarding life itself, I agree that carbon-based life is not the only kind. This is one of those great questions, what is the essence of life. I'd easily go so far as to say a rock has life, a piece of plastic, you name it...if its made out of waves then its alive (as my own understanding stands). This is to say that life itself starts as a wave, something as simple as a light wave spreading out in space lives, as it is never entirely a wave nor is it ever entirely a particle, displaying qualities of both...the only shape I find that can fit within both of these shapes is a spiral (it can spread out into strings of a wave or spiral in to condense into a particle...aside all particles are vortexes of force stabilized by bipolar existence derived from empty nothingness itself).
It's certainly interesting to consider how these things relate and connect into the reality we find ourselves in...
JozenBo muokkasi viestiä 19:49 04.08.2008
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Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä
#12 kirjoitettu 04.08.2008 23:18
Sunt1o kirjoitti:
JozenBo kirjoitti:
The circumstances for carbon-based life to appear as we know it are very hard to meet, given the need for water, temperature, and other factors. Though, given the size of the Universe, statistics at least imply that it is a given certainty that elsewhere these circumstances are also met.
Hmm... what statistics? I mean, if you look in the statistics for a planet other than earth with such conditions, I'm not really sure if you can find any? This is just a guess. That doesn't mean that there couldn't be any, but just makes the statistical probability 0%.
Of course it would be 0% if you input the very exact conditions of Earth and give it absolutely no room for difference.
That's pretty much just stupid.
Now, if we even knew what you absolutely have to have for complex life to emerge we could leave the less mandatory criteria out and probably get different results.
Oh, and I'm not sure but I got the feeling I've read about another planet found somewhere quite far away that supposedly has water on it. That's one criteria one could interpret as quite important.
And since there's at least one for sure (ours) and we have no clue how far the space goes on we should assume that there are more such planets.
Ok, I was just also thinking about the facts that supposing there somewhere is at any point in time something to be contacted, the odds of it existing at the same time as mankind are not in our favour (or theirs, depends on what kinda contact ) and also since the area we're talking about is considered to be infinite, there's also the matter of just never finding each other. You know. You might live in Finland all alone in Helsinki and never know there was another guy living in Vantaa too. And the universe is somewhat bigger than that area.
And now you assume the number of alive planets in the universe is 2 or similar small number. Perhaps it is but perhaps it's not at all that small.
There could be even intergalactic trade going on somewhere in the universe... Between planets and different races that is.. But that's pretty much sci-fi and can't be taken very seriously.
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50 viestiä
#13 kirjoitettu 05.08.2008 11:52
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1692 viestiä
#14 kirjoitettu 05.08.2008 12:09
SirLancer kirjoitti:
He shoots... HE SCOOOOOOOORES!!!!!
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Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä
#15 kirjoitettu 05.08.2008 16:56
Sunt1o kirjoitti:
After-Ego kirjoitti:
And now you assume the number of alive planets in the universe is 2 or similar small number. Perhaps it is but perhaps it's not at all that small.
Doesn't matter if there's 2 or millions. With infinite space and shitload of time, it's still likely it's not going to be overlapping.
Infinite space can contain infinite live planets and still each one of them would have infinite distances.
How did you come up wit the infinite distance and infinite number?
In fact, even infinite space is still yet to be proven.
It is possible there is an infinite number of live planets and it's possible that each one of them be at infinite distance towards any other live planet.
But it's not written in stone.
In fact I believe the scenario you presented is even far from probable.
Besides if probabilities worked in space as they work in paper, we wouldn't exist. Think about that.
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Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä
#16 kirjoitettu 05.08.2008 16:57
SirLancer kirjoitti:
Fossiiliset polttoaineet pilaavat ilman.
After-Ego muokkasi viestiä 16:57 05.08.2008
oh shot sorry... english... erh..
Fossil fuels ruin the air. (pollute the atmosphere etc)
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Barbara Stewart-Baxter
2490 viestiä
#17 kirjoitettu 05.08.2008 19:12
RajoitettuYdintuho kirjoitti:
nobody don't write here this forum place is dead.
That's a double negative, fool!
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Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä
#18 kirjoitettu 05.08.2008 22:06
Sunt1o kirjoitti:
And I'm not sure what you mean by not existing if the possibilities worked? That life in itself is so improbable? I don't think we have to rely on probabilities on that one, since they seem to be mostly for estimating future events more than past.
I meant just the 0% probability you flashed there earlier.
I agree that statistics just can't help us with this one. We'd need tons more knowledge about the universe before we could even make enlightened guesses about the matter..
I'm not really well-educated in all the astrophysics and geology and evolutionary biology and all, but to me it seems that since it all began it all was kinda bound to happen. I mean, the evolution process kinda went where the pressure led it and so on... long before that the particles and all followed the laws of physics and in a way I see it as pre-determined. Some may disagree
Well if we really want to go as far as to the origin of the laws of physics there's bound to be somewhere better to do that than some random thread in english that's gone way offtopic.
And I'm gonna go ahead and ask the question in "Filosofista pohdintaa" group.
Perhaps it's time to let the nightmare die?
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3 viestiä
#19 kirjoitettu 02.04.2010 09:16
Raep-FIN kirjoitti:
JozenBo kirjoitti:
I have an idea!
You could play some creepy nightmare music while visiting the English in th movie Psycho or Friday the 13th (I forgot the theme music for Nighmare on Elm street...sorry)...
Huh huh huh huh
Chch chch chch chch
Huh huh huh huh
Chch chch chc chch
If you want to hear some finnish true hardcore nightmare music, go to KTOPTR!!
ehm ktorpr or wateva that shit is totally sux..u dont know wat darkness is my friend if u think that is dark lol
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4644 viestiä
#20 kirjoitettu 02.04.2010 14:43
neovibe kirjoitti:
Raep-FIN kirjoitti:
JozenBo kirjoitti:
I have an idea!
You could play some creepy nightmare music while visiting the English in th movie Psycho or Friday the 13th (I forgot the theme music for Nighmare on Elm street...sorry)...
Huh huh huh huh
Chch chch chch chch
Huh huh huh huh
Chch chch chc chch
If you want to hear some finnish true hardcore nightmare music, go to KTOPTR!!
ehm ktorpr or wateva that shit is totally sux..u dont know wat darkness is my friend if u think that is dark lol
ever heard about sarcasm?
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Erityinen tuki
4525 viestiä
#21 kirjoitettu 21.10.2010 02:12
lets start esperanto mikseri and see if its more popular
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8780 viestiä
#22 kirjoitettu 01.11.2010 05:58
Kimmo G. kirjoitti:
"Who are you?" "I'm your worst nightmare!" "Nnooh, waking up without my PENIS is my WORST nightmare..." "Okay so maybe I'm not your WORST nightmare, but I'm right up there!"
You have some fucked up dreams dude.
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Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä
#23 kirjoitettu 01.11.2010 07:16
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Take it sleazy! 3097 viestiä Ylläpitäjä
#24 kirjoitettu 02.11.2010 01:56
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Ketju on lukittu.