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Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu



#1 kirjoitettu 12.02.2006 16:11

The Godfather of house, Farley "Jackmaster" Funk Housenation-10vuotisjuhlien yllätyspääesiintyjäksi!

Legendaarinen "The Godfather of house" saapuu kunniavieraaksi Housenation:X 10-vuotis tapahtumaan joka järjestetään tasan 10 vuotta siitä kun Housenation aloitti toimintansa. Ja mikä parasta juuri siellä mistä kaikki alkoi, legendaariseen maineeseen nousseella Tampereen Tullikamarilla. Tuolloin “kamarille” ahtautui loppuunmyytyyn tapahtyumaan yli 2200 ihmistä kokemaan ainutlaatuista esiintyjäkaartia ja huikeaa teknistä toteutusta josta vielä 10 vuoden jälkeenkin puhutaan.

Farley "Jackmaster" Funk, jonka sanotaan antaneen house-musiikille nimen, tunnetaan mm. maailman esimmäiseksi "house-hitiksi" nousseesta biisistään "Love Can't Turn Around" sekä yhdestä eniten samplatuimmasta klassikostaan, "House Nation" (Housemaster Boyz & The Rude Boy of House). Tähän päivään saakka Farley “jackmaster” Keith Williams (syntynyt 1962 Chicagossa) on pysynyt yhtenä arvostetuimmista ja kiireisimmistä dj/tuottajista joka tekee remixejä myös muille artisteille. Hänen tuotantoonsa kuuluu satoja julkaisuja.

Housenationin muu anti onkin asteen verran rankempaa, toinen pääesiintyjä Marusha palaa “areenalle” jossa hän myös esiintyi tasan 10 vuotta takaperin. Marushalta kuullaan setti jossa hän sekoittaa ravea, oldschoolia, acidia, technoa ja jopa drum & bassia hänen tuttuun tyyliinsä. Myös Cosmicman on lisätty esiintyjälistaan. Pääareenalla linja lähtee housen ja teknon kautta rankempaan soundiiin trancesta acidiin ja teknoon ja raveen, kun pienellä puolella saadaan nauttia mm. psytrancesta ja housesta.

Helsingistä järjestetään tapahtumaan bussikuljetus. Bussilipun hinta on vain 10€ ja bussiin pääsee myös ilman tapahtuman lippua. Lähtö Helsingistä 18.30 Kiasman pysäkiltä, Postitalon edestä ja paluu 04.10 Tullikamarin pihalta. Bussilippuja saa varaamalla bus@housenation.fi sekä Street Beatistä tai järjestäjiltä.

Lippuja on myyty erittäin vilkkaaseen tahtiin ja suosittelemmekin oman noutamista varmistaakseen nopean sisäänpääsyn. Lippuja Helsingissä myy Tiketti (Forum) sekä Street Beat (Mikonkatu). Niille joilla ei ole mahdollisuutta hankkia lippua ennakkoon, jätetään ovelle klo 20:00 alkaen muutama sata lippua.

Farley "Jackmasterin" Funkin lisäys Housenation-tapahtuman esiintyjä line-uppiin ei vaikuta lipunhintaan!

Lisätietoja X06ARENATOUR tapahtumista ja “reiv:]nation”-kiertueesta: www.housenation.fi (sivuja päivitetään viikonlopun aikana)

HOUSENATION:X 10th anniversary | part of X06ARENATOUR
TAMPERE TULLIKAMARI | 25.2.2006 | 20-04 | K18
2 x arena | 10 x videoscreen | 3 x laser | improved powerfull soundsystem

ANGEL (FI) Housenation exclusive
POLIISI (Housenation new resident)
ORKIDEA (exclusive)
ELIOT NESS [reiv:]
KIM & UKE (Miau!)

Vj Lumiere Bros - Helsinki (Arena)
Vj Aca - Tampere (Klubi)
Lj’s Uzu & A-r-j
Decoration by:
Saco/Dust Decoration & Housenation
Sound & Lights by:

Presale: 23€
Helsinki: Tiketti (www.tiketti.fi) & Street Beat (+1€ bf)
Tampere: Epe’s & Bronx

Lahti: Bluestreet, Turku: Pirjon Basaari, Jyväskylä: Airon Musiikki
Pori. Musiikki Belisa, Rauma: Kuninkaankadun levykauppa
Joensuu: Levy-Eskot


25.2.2006: Time to return to the source...to where it all began exact 10 years ago

Marusha will return almost exactly 10 years after her first appearance in the very 1st House Nation event, where she totally rocked out the sold out party crowd of 2200 clubbers. Now after 10 years, she will return to where it all began. Note that for family reasons, until next year's House Nation Marusha is playing almost no gigs, so the party in Tampere will be very special. She says she still fondly remembers the House Nation parties at Tullikamari, and that she dearly loved the events and the Finnish people.

What is house music?

Farley "Jackmaster" Funk is undisputably one of the truly pioneers and founding fathers of house music. Hailing from Chicago, USA he started out at the Playground club as a teenager in 1981, where he held a residency until 1987, and was a regular at the famous Warehouse (that gave house music it's name) alongside it's legendary resident Frankie Knuckles. He was also a member of the Hot Mix 5 DJ team (with Ralphi Rosario, Kenny "Jammin" Jason...) the eighties radio DJ-team that sparked the house music craze of the late eighties and responsible for ground breaking mix shows on Chicago's legendary WBMX radio station alongside Steve "Silk" Hurley, Mike "Hitman" Wilson, Frankie Knuckles and Fast Eddie, at it's height with Farley playing out just after midnight every night WBMX had over a one point five million listeners tuning in for the unique new dance music sound called “house music”. They first went on air in 1981.

Farley started putting out tracks in 1984 on groundbreaking house labels like DJ International and Trax, and inspired the jacking craze with his first single Jack the Bass, he gained true prominence, particularly in the UK, in 1986 with the top 10 hit Love Can't Turn Around, a shoe in for pretty much every "History of House" style compilation since, it unleashed the Chicago sound into the music mainstream and made him a seriously in demand DJ on the international scene.
Throughout the nineties Farley built himself a huge amount of respect and admiration in the UK's clubland hitting most of it's biggest nights like Moneypenny's, Milk n 2 Sugars, Progress, Tall Trees, The Leadmill, Rise, Legends and Deja Vu, whilst this side of the millennium has seen him hitting Ibiza on a regular basis as well at nights like El Devino, Moneypenny's, Eden (for Mixmag), Es Paradis and Sundance; with whom he toured Europe.
When he's not flying between Chicago, the UK and Ibiza Farley is still a man you can find in the studio, producing his own tracks and remixing for others; his discography is very literally longer than several arms, with hundreds of releases, remixes and compilation appearances to his name; the force is strong with this one!
Variously called the King or the Godfather of House, Farley really was making tunes when most clubbers were at best in their nappies and has now been resident in the DJ premier league for nearly a quarter of a century, and with God most definitely by his side and watching his back you can expect him to still be there in another 25 years.

Who invented “house”?

“I am the creator of House music, and House music started this way…” These are the words of Farley Keith Williams - Farley Jackmaster Funk - but he could be lying. Farley, along with Adonis and Chip-E, have been accredited the Godfathers of House, and if he says this is the way it happened, then is it the way it happened…?

“In 1982, I was DJing at a club called The Playground and there was this kid named Leonard ‘Remix’ Roy who was a DJ at a rival club called The Rink. He came over to my club one night, and into the DJ booth and said to me, ‘I’ve got the gimmick that’s gonna take all the people out of your club and into mine - it’s called House music’. Now, where he got that name from or what made him think of it I don’t know, so the answer lies with him. He holds the key to this whole music scene right now and nobody has ever interviewed him. He has never made a record and only continued DJing for about a year after that, then went to the army and didn’t make it as a DJ.
“Anyway, I figured, ‘I’m on the radio playing for WBMX 102.7 FM to an average of one point five million people every Friday and Saturday. I also have the largest club in the city’ - my club held like twenty five to thirty five hundred people, while Leonard’s club only held seven hundred and fifty. So he was always looking for a slice of my crowd and I would be looking to get all of his. So I thought, ‘OK, since I’m the bigger rat…’. You know, a lot of the time the smaller guy comes up with the idea and then the bigger rat snatches it. Well, I took the name from him. In every interview that I do, I say that this is the guy who deserves all the credit for naming the music, but I took it from him and went to radio with it, and I went to my club with it, and hollered, ‘I’m the creator of House music and this is what I play’. “From that point right there, every record that I played, whether it was Disco, Funk or whatever, it was a House record, because I said that that was the type of music I was playing. That’s why it’s so funny when people want to give a definition of what House music is, because there is no definition, they’re so damned stupid.…”

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu