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Kirjoittaja MIND-A-STRAY on julkaissut biisin Sign of Victory alkuperäislaulajan Tommy Dee:n kanssa


190 viestiä

#1 kirjoitettu 05.12.2005 15:33

MIND-A-STRAY has released the opener track Sign of Victory from their latest promo (Sign of Victory) with the original singer Tommy Dee on vocals.

As some of you might know, last winter the band had a short era with their new singer Sami Ilvonen, but as the co-operation wasn't successful, the band has decided to release also the rest of the songs from S.o.V. as new versions. The only difference is with the vocals, of course.

You can find the song here::: Sign of Victory.

The glad thing is that the band sounds original again..

Official website: MIND-A-STRAY

TommyDee muokkasi viestiä 15:33 05.12.2005

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu