An english version of

#1 kirjoitettu 25.10.2005 19:52
Will there some day be an english version of Translating everything into english would of course require some serious effort, but I think the benefits would be even greater, for both the creators of mikseri and the artist community.
There are already many non-finnish people visiting artist pages and downloading music, and a few are even uploading their own music with the help of dictionary or their finnish friends. Numerous finnish artists have as well translated their artist pages into english in the hope of getting more potential downloaders/visitors.
So if there would be an option to choose the language in which one wants to browse, or maybe a completely new domain name for international audience that would still give access to the same songs as the original finnish version. Although the original name "mikseri" would propably fit to foreigners' mouths without much difficulty as well.
Getting massive amounts of new users from elsewhere in the Europe and most likely from the whole world would of course need massive servers. But as the amount of visitors would gradually raise, so without doubt would happen to the flow of income from advertisers and other sources.
There are of course many very similar sites in the english market, but none of those I have seen can match the simplicity, convenience of use and ever-expanding ingenious features of, which of course could be developed even further. Therefore I don't see a reason for limiting this growing thing to only Finnish audience. Just make sure it wouldn't become another The basic features should always remain free.
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114 viestiä
#2 kirjoitettu 25.10.2005 20:54
I have been thinking about these very good ideas too. But how would the servers say about the possible increase of online users? More trafic, more downloads etc. Would get slower?
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645 viestiä
#3 kirjoitettu 25.10.2005 20:58
Is the suggestion to just translate the "common content" and have all artist pages and forums(?) and whatever shared among the two language versions?
What about comments? Should there be some artist preference tag (probably in comment box?) so inform potential commentors that English is to be preferred?
Oh, and I think that not everything really needs to be translated for an English version to be useful. Maybe enough of the basic navigation and forum functionality, and other basic stuff, so that dictionary wouldn't be necessary for browsing around the site..
I might theoretically consider volunteering at least some of the translation, if the administration wants to start a project, although without seeing the codebase it's hard to guess what amount of work would be required in addition to translation itself. Oh well.
I think the real question is, how many users does the site have that don't speak any Finnish? Probably some at least, since there's this English forum area, but...
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#4 kirjoitettu 30.10.2005 13:55
Very good suggestions above...I have many foreign friends who first came to check out my pages, but later wanted to check out other bands/acts as well. The biggest difficulty relates to Finnish language, of course, because the navigation gets impossible if not knowing Finnish. I support especially the comments about "a lighter version in English" meaning that the navigation and basic functions should be in both languages to help foreign visitors to figure out this wonderful and very qualified work of artists here.
Giraldo muokkasi viestiä 14:04 30.10.2005
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Mac-mies 2648 viestiä Luottokäyttäjä
#5 kirjoitettu 16.11.2005 02:36
Yes, I agree that English version of Mikseri would be anything but good thing. Significantly increased bandwidth and disk space usage would increase the maintenance costs which would increase the number of ads and probably would bring different kinds of limits in all free functionality. Also as mentioned, illegal songs could not be controlled anymore as effectively as nowdays and the excellent community spirit would be gone forever.
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Jumalan nyrkki 43152 viestiä Ylläpitäjä
#6 kirjoitettu 28.11.2005 00:05
dew kirjoitti:
this translation would cause a huge multiplying of banners and ads
Not definitely. More users --> More money from ads.
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The O.Y.C Project
#7 kirjoitettu 10.12.2005 23:53
Hey there!
Well...i'm reading and i think is not so fool the idea that Shoganai had!
I am a "stranger" here...learnin suomi yet so...theres a lot of thinks that i need to translate(thanks god for Ville,my personal and loved dicitionary,what i'm goin to do without you!)...but i just realized that here i found a lot of great artists...which makes me think that could be a great idea to promote them!???!
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442 viestiä
#8 kirjoitettu 27.05.2010 19:23
There is already english "".
Go to myspace or soundclick.
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445 viestiä
#9 kirjoitettu 03.06.2010 07:58
Ulottuvuus kirjoitti:
There is already english "".
Go to myspace or soundclick.
myspace is not england mikseri! myspace is another page
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1947 viestiä
#10 kirjoitettu 03.06.2010 08:13
thank you for bringing this topic back up again, especially with such a relevant and informative post. i'm pretty sure no one has heard from myspace during past 5 years and is still wanting an english version of according to the activity the user has shown after starting this topic.
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442 viestiä
#11 kirjoitettu 03.06.2010 09:45 Muok:04.06.2010 00:01
D-Vision kirjoitti:
thank you for bringing this topic back up again, especially with such a relevant and informative post. i'm pretty sure no one has heard from myspace during past 5 years and is still wanting an english version of according to the activity the user has shown after starting this topic.
"im pretty sure no one has heard from myspace during past 5 years" What a fuck you mean by that ?? On myspace there is 100 time more and better artist then here lol. Everyone who really want to make serious music know that this ain't the right place lol Or another place is soundclick whre you can find plenty of great artist too!
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Jumalan nyrkki 43152 viestiä Ylläpitäjä
#12 kirjoitettu 03.06.2010 09:50
Ulottuvuus kirjoitti:
"im pretty sure no one has heard from myspace during past 5 years" What a fuck you mean by that ???
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dark dawn
18 viestiä
#13 kirjoitettu 03.07.2010 22:30
I dont antestant eniting
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dark dawn
18 viestiä
#14 kirjoitettu 03.07.2010 22:30
I am superman
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11907 viestiä
#15 kirjoitettu 05.07.2010 00:02 Muok:05.07.2010 00:02
atheos kirjoitti:
the excellent community spirit would be gone forever.
I didn't know that pretentious circle-jerking was "excelent community spirit".
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