Mikseri on musiikkiyhteisö,
jossa voit kuunnella, ladata ja arvostella suomalaista musiikkia,
lisätä rajattomasti biisejä, luoda oman artistisivun, kerätä arvosteluja ja faneja


Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu

Kirjoittaja Basic instructions to the usage of song upload & administration system

2682 viestiä

#1 kirjoitettu 05.10.2005 13:42

This text is published on Zitru's behalf and kind permission. Some minor edits by me.
This is how you add your song to Mikseri.net, and it also explains how to create a project. In order for this to work, make sure you're on the front page of Mikseri.net and you're logged in.

1. Click Asetukset, or settings in english, located in top right corner.

2. If you already have a project go to 4, otherwise click 'Uusi projekti' (new project) and go to 3.

3. Fields in project-creation:

Projektin nimi = The name of the project
Tyyli = style
Salli biisien levittäminen muualla kuin Mikseri.netissä = Allow your tracks to be spreaded elsewhere than on Mikseri.net server (you will be given credit if your songs are played somewhere),
Keikkaileva artisti = an artist capable of live performance
Keikkamyynti = if you have someone who's arranging the gigs, put their contact info here
Jäsenet = people participating this project,
Historia = history,
Laitteisto = any instruments etc. used,
Idolit/vaikutteet = idols/influences,
Info is quite obvious
Lyhyt esittely = a short description (it shows for for example in your user profile).

When the info fields are filled, click Lisää projekti (add project).

4. Now that there is a project, it's just about adding the tracks in it. I'm not sure if it'll go straight to a project's control page when you create one, but in the Omat asetukset page there should be a link with the name of the project you created. Anyway, go to the project's 'hallinta' (=control) page. (It should read in the top of the page something like "Hallinta: [project name]" and the name of the page is "Projektin hallinta".

5. So, there you are.. I'll do a little explanatory in english about these commands as well..

Perustiedot = basic information about the project. If you just made a project, you know this page well...
Statistiikka = Statistics about your music in mikseri.net.
Soittolistastatistiikka = Playlist statistics (I won't explain the concept of mikseri.net's playlists here)
Idolit/vaikutteet = idols/influences (it's about getting search hits, so make it work [and it's fun -bz])
Pikaosoite = it's an option to make a shorter, easier url for your project-page. (for instance www.mikseri.net/projectname)
Biisit = songs/tracks/pieces. this is where we are going to end up. More about it later
Päivitä logo (poista) = update/change logo or remove the logo (poista = delete)
Kotisivun ulkoasu = the appearance of the site. (colorcodes á la ffffff and such). Basic knowledge about HTML required.
Ylläpito-oikeudet = if you have given someone else control over your project, it shows in this page who else than you has allowance to control this project. (Someone propably could explain this properly, I can't...)
Poista projekti = Delete the project. This can't be reversed, so handle with care...
Now that you know (or don't know) what is what, click on Biisit.

6. Click Lisää uusi biisi (=Add new song)

7. Then we fill out the information of the track:

Nimi = Name
Genre = genre
Kansikuva = Cover picture. (you get to put a small picture of whatever
next to the song in your artist-page. size would be 70x70 pixels in JPG format!)
MP3 = the MP3. Browse or type the 'address' of the mp3 -in your hard drive-. Linking an URL or something won't work, it has to be physical file.
Kuvaus = A description of the song. you can put lyrics or credits or whatever you want in here.

8. Click Seuraava (=next) and wait with patience!! If you stop this procedure, your song will not be uploaded. This might take several minutes, so really, be patient!

9. If the next page that appears contains the information of your song, it's done properly. I still suggest you try to play your song with hi-fi AND download. if problems occur contact your friendly neighbourhood Mikseri.net administrator.

Questions can be asked here.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2682 viestiä

#2 kirjoitettu 11.06.2006 12:36


^ Vastaa Lainaa

I'm back!
2533 viestiä

#3 kirjoitettu 18.01.2007 17:37

markkujazz kirjoitti:
I did find a slight bug especially in mikseri.net/admin/songs.php. After updating info, clicking on the O.K box and then the update box, (I am assuming that one has to click on the update info since if I click on the artist page it just refreshes the adm.page and won't allow me to go to the artist page) I just get an empty page. If I go to my music page via starting all over, the updates are not there even after clearing my cache.

This has been fixed, please try again. We apologize for the inconvenience.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu