#1 kirjoitettu 29.01.2005 19:35
Elikkä kun täällä ei sellasta "esittely" foorumia ole, jossa saisi itsensä esitellä niin ajattelin tässä samalla kertoa vähän itsestäni... Kaikki tämä tulee tosin englanniksi, pahoittelen:
"I'm Aku Koskinen, born in 1987, started producing music in 1999. By that time, it didn't feel like anything fancy, just a few clicks with various softwares. Started with Acid music, and then found a program called Dance eJay. I played with eJay many years and started to take music making more than just fun and a hobby in about 2003 summer.
I joined the eJay-site in 2003 december and got critic from my tracks. Negative it was. I noticed that I make really crappy music with no idea. So, I got critic and learned about it, a lot.
In the half way of 2004 I the newest eJay, which was Dance eJay 6 that time. I made the best music I had ever made. And I thought that it was good myself, I was wrong.
By that time, I had chatted a long time with a norwegian friend named Henri aka T.G.L ( and when I was struggling with eJay and told him I had "ran out of ideas" with it, so he suggested me to use FruityLoops. That fealt an impossible thought at the moment, because I noticed how newbie I was, even with 5 years experience. By that time, I had learned very much from Henri.
Well, I started to listen Henri's music, which I had never done with "more experienced ear". It was great! I was a definite fan of his trance music and I wanted to make trance much more like it.
One day, I asked Henri: "Is it just me, or is it just eJay buggering my ass?". The answer was: "eJay"... And yes, it was. Well, finally I changed the program to FruityLoops and learned so much from Henri and the biggest thank you belongs to him. Another thank you belongs to a guy named Chris aka The Odd Dodo Project (you can find him at too.
Well, now the program is FruityLoops 5 and the genre that I make, is trance.
I'm still chilling at the with the artist name "SamuraiKatana". I'm named "Valandir" here (which is my first name Aku in elvish).
Thank you for reading this... And oh yes! Enjoy my music!"
Joten siinä oli vähän infoa. Ajattelin tässä samalla mainostaa yhtä biisiä, jonka T.G.L:llän kanssa julkaisimme eilen. Olis ihan kiva jos siitä sais vähän palautetta, positiivista tai negatiivista.
Biisin löydätte täältä: T.G.L & Valandir - Achilles
Tiedän etten ole vielä arvostellut kenenkään biisiä ja tämäkin on vasta ensimmäin viestini foorumeilla. On se kyllä aika n00bimaista. Heh... Tulevaisuudessa kyllä aion osallistua keskusteluihin foorumeilla ja arvostella biisejä jne... Tulen varmaan enemmän arvostelemaan tuota elekronisen musiikin puolta... Luonnollisesti...
No, mutta kummiskin nyt voi nähdä löytyykö täältä positiivista porukkaa
- Aku
Valandir muokkasi viestiä 19:37 29.01.2005