Mikseri on musiikkiyhteisö,
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Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu


< Edellinen 1 2

Kirjoittaja Music in english?

5248 viestiä

#41 kirjoitettu 28.05.2007 14:17

AkiVee has some real points here, nevertheless not all musicians do music for money..And this is the point where I forgot where I was..I'm sorry, and why in the hell am I writing in english?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

18460 viestiä

#42 kirjoitettu 04.06.2007 02:49

R & S pop-rock band kirjoitti:
If you have a Finnish band, is it alright to make music in English?

Yeah it's allright if english fits in to a song. Oh, I answer just for my self, I think it isn't so important if it is english, finnish or latin, it is just about what that song needs. If it's more better in latin vocals so let's go for it.
Does the style of music matter, when you chooce the language of your band?

I haven't chose anything for my one-man-band there's lyrics in latin, english and finnish depending on my state of mind and mostly depending on what that song needs. If english fits most well it's english.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

8780 viestiä

#43 kirjoitettu 16.06.2007 21:54

It really dosnt matter is your mothertongue is Finnish and you sing in English.Its all about what way do you think in your head.

I think a lot of things in english and sometimes i even notice it, and think
*what the heck am i thinking. And lyrics just dont came to me in finnish.

Well sometimes the finnish bands sound like , well... shit, because they sing in english. And why do they sing it that way?? Beacause its cool puppyboy!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

96 viestiä

#44 kirjoitettu 04.07.2007 01:10

The answer to the first question stated in the first post of this thread is obviously 'yes'. There's no earthly reason why a Finnish band couldn't or shouldn't write music in English or Russian or fucking Klingon.

Ultimately it's up to the lyricist to decide whether the lyrics are good enough for public consumption. This, of course, is a judgement call and a subjective one at that, because there's no such thing as The Criteria for Good Lyrics. (A state of affairs all of us Finns writing in English should be eternally grateful for.)

Once a song is written and made public for instance at Mikseri, through a record label or via direct mailing, it's up to each listener to form their subjective opinion regarding the song, lyrics and all. These subjective opinions are all equally valid or invalid, and should never form the basis of a rational argument about anything.

Luckily, rationality tends to be in short supply at internet forums, so I'll just go ahead and ignore my own advice and offer up two subjective opinions disguised as objective observations. You have been warned.

1. English lyrics written by Finns tend to be grammatically decent but unbearably clumsy, and sometimes both at the same time. This applies to both unsigned bands vying for attention here at Mikseri and elsewhere, as well as established artists seen on tv and heard on the radio. By clumsy I mean, for instance, a phrase like "frozen to lose it all" which is grammatically perfectly fine but means absolutely nothing (except to the writer, perhaps). Translate that gem directly to Finnish and not even Kotiteollisuus would get away with it.

This is not to suggest there aren't good English lyricists in Finland; just that there aren't that many, apparently. (I am fully aware that this is a problem in English speaking countries as well, in case someone thinks it absolutely necessary to point out.)

However, even the shittiest, clumsiest lyric can be redeemed, at least to some extent, by the delivery, which leads to my 2nd observation...

2. Even when the English lyrics are good, and especially when they're not, weak delivery can ruin an otherwise good song. I am, of course, talking about the vocals. As a people, we Finns speak very good English, and even if the pronunciation sounds a bit awkward at times, it is certainly more understandable than that of a Frenchman or an Italian.

However, speaking understandable English has very little or nothing to do with singing good English. (At this point I’d like to remind the reader about the subjective nature of these seemingly objective observations. Thank you.) Pronunciation is certainly part of the problem, but were singers bent on using the English language to study phonetics as well as simple text book English, this chubby little fucker at least would be a happier little(?) camper.

In other words; look beyond text book English. Read comics, newspapers, books etc. and build up your vocabulary and listen!!!! Vocabulary equals a grand total of fuck-all unless you listen to the language being spoken.

In conclusion I’d like to coin a phrase from Dave Mustaine: “Where do we go from here?” You tell me. I’m anxious to find out.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

381 viestiä

#45 kirjoitettu 10.08.2007 21:19

actually in my oppinion in some music genres english is more appropriate, cause the message to finns is not so clear. The message can be something a little weird and the people listening the stuff won't notice it.

Sometimes it is better to listen to the music and not the finnish lyrics, most of them just stupid. Engilish can also be pronounced softer.

And by the way english is a little bit more international language than finnish.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2882 viestiä

#46 kirjoitettu 16.08.2007 16:24

Penguinator kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
Tantsku kirjoitti:
And by the way english is a little bit more international language than finnish.

I think Chinese is more popular than English. Am I correct?

pretty long offtopic...

Because off your guys, I don't even know, what is the topic in here, so thanks a lot!!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2882 viestiä

#47 kirjoitettu 17.08.2007 16:05

Jypã kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Penguinator kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
Tantsku kirjoitti:
And by the way english is a little bit more international language than finnish.

I think Chinese is more popular than English. Am I correct?

pretty long offtopic...

Because off your guys, I don't even know, what is the topic in here, so thanks a lot!!

You're welcome.

I don't like you.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#48 kirjoitettu 17.08.2007 22:42

Penguinator kirjoitti:
And I think you couldn't communicate with Chinese around the world like English.

Ni hao!

And while I'm assing (perseily?) around here I might as well add something to the topic...

Recently I've grown me an interest in rap. I've listened to some finnish artists from records and live, then for comparison a hell load of Eminem.
I've come to the conclusion that any finnish rap artists I know about just can't rhyme as well as Eminem can.

That brings me to wonder if it's even possible in finnish.

Like for example this:

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2882 viestiä

#49 kirjoitettu 18.08.2007 18:32

Jypã kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Penguinator kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
Tantsku kirjoitti:
And by the way english is a little bit more international language than finnish.

I think Chinese is more popular than English. Am I correct?

pretty long offtopic...

Because off your guys, I don't even know, what is the topic in here, so thanks a lot!!

You're welcome.

I don't like you.

And I hate myself.

I hate you too.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#50 kirjoitettu 18.08.2007 18:55

novoivittu kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Penguinator kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
Tantsku kirjoitti:
And by the way english is a little bit more international language than finnish.

I think Chinese is more popular than English. Am I correct?

pretty long offtopic...

Because off your guys, I don't even know, what is the topic in here, so thanks a lot!!

You're welcome.

I don't like you.

And I hate myself.

I hate you too.

You don't like players, that's what you say.
But you really wouldn't mind a millionaire.
You don't like ballers, They don't do nothing for ya,
But you'd love a rich man six foot two or taller.

- Amy Winehouse

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2882 viestiä

#51 kirjoitettu 18.08.2007 19:03

After-Ego kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Penguinator kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
Tantsku kirjoitti:
And by the way english is a little bit more international language than finnish.

I think Chinese is more popular than English. Am I correct?

pretty long offtopic...

Because off your guys, I don't even know, what is the topic in here, so thanks a lot!!

You're welcome.

I don't like you.

And I hate myself.

I hate you too.

You don't like players, that's what you say.
But you really wouldn't mind a millionaire.
You don't like ballers, They don't do nothing for ya,
But you'd love a rich man six foot two or taller.

- Amy Winehouse

And the point is..?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#52 kirjoitettu 18.08.2007 19:27

novoivittu kirjoitti:
After-Ego kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Penguinator kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
Tantsku kirjoitti:
And by the way english is a little bit more international language than finnish.

I think Chinese is more popular than English. Am I correct?

pretty long offtopic...

Because off your guys, I don't even know, what is the topic in here, so thanks a lot!!

You're welcome.

I don't like you.

And I hate myself.

I hate you too.

You don't like players, that's what you say.
But you really wouldn't mind a millionaire.
You don't like ballers, They don't do nothing for ya,
But you'd love a rich man six foot two or taller.

- Amy Winehouse

And the point is..?

The point is you don't mean what you're saying....

And that you'd screw a millionaire...

And that you like tall men...

And that ballers don't do anythin' for you.


^ Vastaa Lainaa

2882 viestiä

#53 kirjoitettu 18.08.2007 20:55

After-Ego kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
After-Ego kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Penguinator kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
Tantsku kirjoitti:
And by the way english is a little bit more international language than finnish.

I think Chinese is more popular than English. Am I correct?

pretty long offtopic...

Because off your guys, I don't even know, what is the topic in here, so thanks a lot!!

You're welcome.

I don't like you.

And I hate myself.

I hate you too.

You don't like players, that's what you say.
But you really wouldn't mind a millionaire.
You don't like ballers, They don't do nothing for ya,
But you'd love a rich man six foot two or taller.

- Amy Winehouse

And the point is..?

The point is you don't mean what you're saying....

And that you'd screw a millionaire...

And that you like tall men...

And that ballers don't do anythin' for you.


Not really, 'cause most of those aren't tru. You don't really know me. I do like tall me, some of them, but not all, I don't screw a millionaire,I do mean most of the thinks that I say and so on.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#54 kirjoitettu 02.09.2007 17:12

Nevermind kirjoitti:
After-Ego kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
After-Ego kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Penguinator kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
Tantsku kirjoitti:
And by the way english is a little bit more international language than finnish.

I think Chinese is more popular than English. Am I correct?

pretty long offtopic...

Because off your guys, I don't even know, what is the topic in here, so thanks a lot!!

You're welcome.

I don't like you.

And I hate myself.

I hate you too.

You don't like players, that's what you say.
But you really wouldn't mind a millionaire.
You don't like ballers, They don't do nothing for ya,
But you'd love a rich man six foot two or taller.

- Amy Winehouse

And the point is..?

The point is you don't mean what you're saying....

And that you'd screw a millionaire...

And that you like tall men...

And that ballers don't do anythin' for you.


Not really, 'cause most of those aren't tru. You don't really know me. I do like tall me, some of them, but not all, I don't screw a millionaire,I do mean most of the thinks that I say and so on.

Yea and what I said was all serious thoughts of me.

I really do think.. no, I know I can judge people by just reading a few posts by them on the internet...

Also, I am far superior to you and everyone you know. In every way.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2882 viestiä

#55 kirjoitettu 03.09.2007 20:17

After-Ego kirjoitti:
Nevermind kirjoitti:
After-Ego kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
After-Ego kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
novoivittu kirjoitti:
Penguinator kirjoitti:
Jypã kirjoitti:
Tantsku kirjoitti:
And by the way english is a little bit more international language than finnish.

I think Chinese is more popular than English. Am I correct?

pretty long offtopic...

Because off your guys, I don't even know, what is the topic in here, so thanks a lot!!

You're welcome.

I don't like you.

And I hate myself.

I hate you too.

You don't like players, that's what you say.
But you really wouldn't mind a millionaire.
You don't like ballers, They don't do nothing for ya,
But you'd love a rich man six foot two or taller.

- Amy Winehouse

And the point is..?

The point is you don't mean what you're saying....

And that you'd screw a millionaire...

And that you like tall men...

And that ballers don't do anythin' for you.


Not really, 'cause most of those aren't tru. You don't really know me. I do like tall me, some of them, but not all, I don't screw a millionaire,I do mean most of the thinks that I say and so on.

Yea and what I said was all serious thoughts of me.

I really do think.. no, I know I can judge people by just reading a few posts by them on the internet...

Also, I am far superior to you and everyone you know. In every way.

Screw you, old man.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

381 viestiä

#56 kirjoitettu 03.09.2007 20:36

About that rap music... Maybe rhymes in english are a little bit better 'cause english has more common words.. lots of -ings and stuff.. also the pronouncing supports rhymes to just appear from words that aren't written alike.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2882 viestiä

#57 kirjoitettu 06.09.2007 18:56

Tantsku kirjoitti:
About that rap music... Maybe rhymes in english are a little bit better 'cause english has more common words.. lots of -ings and stuff.. also the pronouncing supports rhymes to just appear from words that aren't written alike.

I prefer english music. It's lot better than normal finnish bullshit. Some of the words are better than finnish and singers singing voice is most of the time more powerfull and interesting than boring finnish voice.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#58 kirjoitettu 06.09.2007 20:03

Nevermind kirjoitti:
Tantsku kirjoitti:
About that rap music... Maybe rhymes in english are a little bit better 'cause english has more common words.. lots of -ings and stuff.. also the pronouncing supports rhymes to just appear from words that aren't written alike.

I prefer english music. It's lot better than normal finnish bullshit. Some of the words are better than finnish and singers singing voice is most of the time more powerfull and interesting than boring finnish voice.

That's quite true.. I think the problem is most of the foreign music we hear in Finland is by international artists known worldwide or at least continent-wide. And to get there you must do something right..

There aren't many Finnish artists known throughout the world, and that's really a shame since there IS good potential in Finland too imo.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2882 viestiä

#59 kirjoitettu 06.09.2007 20:18

After-Ego kirjoitti:
Nevermind kirjoitti:
Tantsku kirjoitti:
About that rap music... Maybe rhymes in english are a little bit better 'cause english has more common words.. lots of -ings and stuff.. also the pronouncing supports rhymes to just appear from words that aren't written alike.

I prefer english music. It's lot better than normal finnish bullshit. Some of the words are better than finnish and singers singing voice is most of the time more powerfull and interesting than boring finnish voice.

That's quite true.. I think the problem is most of the foreign music we hear in Finland is by international artists known worldwide or at least continent-wide. And to get there you must do something right..

There aren't many Finnish artists known throughout the world, and that's really a shame since there IS good potential in Finland too imo.

Those bands might be famous in other counties, but it doesn't mean that the music is good.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#60 kirjoitettu 06.09.2007 22:20

Nevermind kirjoitti:
Those bands might be famous in other counties, but it doesn't mean that the music is good.

Yea that's agreed of course.

I was trying to say that here in Finland we hear all the Finnish bands plus the best of foreign bands while in Spain they hear all Spanish bands plus the best of foreign bands, and that doesn't include many Finnish bands at all.

You got one hand full of international superstars and the other hand full of Finnish musicians. Just a small fraction of your Finnish handful is anywhere near the potential your international hand is full of.

That just might be one of the reasons why Finnish music seems to be of less quality than imported music.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2882 viestiä

#61 kirjoitettu 08.09.2007 10:52

Maybe. Unfortunately there is many other thing also, not just the fact that they are from this small country.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

356 viestiä

#62 kirjoitettu 27.09.2007 20:06

As someone already said, just pick a language that suits the song. Just make sure you either know the language well enough to write and sing it, or have someone who does teach you. I personally get really annoyed whenever I hear a really fine piece of music ruined by fractured english. Or spanish. Or german. It doesn't have to be complicated though. The key just is to work within your skills and not try to get too elaborate with structures and phrasings you a) aren't sure how to use and b) aren't sure what they mean.

But I guess the reason a lot of bands prefer english over finnish is that you're forgiven a lot more when you're not using your own language. Also the finns aren't as perceptive when it comes to spotting clichés and lacks in the actual content of the song when it's in english. When the lyrics are in finnish, even people with little understanding about music and lyric writing can spot overused or poorly structured storylines in songs.

I just can't seem to write a short message

Jani07 muokkasi viestiä 20:09 27.09.2007

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2882 viestiä

#63 kirjoitettu 30.09.2007 13:47

Jani07 kirjoitti:
As someone already said, just pick a language that suits the song. Just make sure you either know the language well enough to write and sing it, or have someone who does teach you. I personally get really annoyed whenever I hear a really fine piece of music ruined by fractured english. Or spanish. Or german. It doesn't have to be complicated though. The key just is to work within your skills and not try to get too elaborate with structures and phrasings you a) aren't sure how to use and b) aren't sure what they mean.

But I guess the reason a lot of bands prefer english over finnish is that you're forgiven a lot more when you're not using your own language. Also the finns aren't as perceptive when it comes to spotting clichés and lacks in the actual content of the song when it's in english. When the lyrics are in finnish, even people with little understanding about music and lyric writing can spot overused or poorly structured storylines in songs.

I just can't seem to write a short message

Jani07 muokkasi viestiä 20:09 27.09.2007

Don't copy others D

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#64 kirjoitettu 19.10.2007 11:12

i has a buket

^ Vastaa Lainaa

19 viestiä

#65 kirjoitettu 01.01.2010 12:05

HAHA! GREAT THREAD! I've got soooo many good laughs here when someone is complaining how english lyrics should REALLY be! It's soooo ridiculous how people are so serious about english lyrics somebody has reaaallly low self-confidence! HAHA!

Here is some shit lyrics made by Finnish asshole (me) how cannot pronounce lyrics right (at least someone said about it in our band guestbook), but it has a real content. HAHA! Yeah, and btw... It's METAL!

Leather Demon

The bitch is back in town and hooking down the guys
Every street she knows and how to get the best buys
Selling her entertainment and make the money flow
One thing she is good, to sure know how to blow

Red long hair, long black boots,
Leather mini skirt, net tights,
And deep red on her lips

She is dirty woman! She likes to play
Every man wants to drain their lust
She knows the sentence! "Spread the legs"
She likes to share her goods

She grabs your balls and don’t say even hello
Then she says to you that she likes to swallow
At no time you’re hooked and you're ready to go
After a while you just listen and then follow

Red long hair, long black boots,
Leather mini skirt, net tights,
And deep red on her lips

She is dirty woman! She likes to play
Every man wants to drain their lust
She knows the sentence! "Spread the legs"
She likes to share her goods

She doesn’t enjoy it at all
But she makes it for money
It’s her lifestyle she wants
No better way to earn the money

She wake up in places that she does not know
But she has learn to survive just like a pro
On the morning she wakes up before you know
Dresses up, takes your money and then she go

Red long hair, long black boots,
Leather mini skirt, net tights,
And deep red on her lips

She is dirty woman! She likes to play
Every man wants to drain their lust
She knows the sentence! "Spread the legs"
She likes to share her goods

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7254 viestiä

#66 kirjoitettu 01.01.2010 17:12

Rayburn kirjoitti:
Here is some shit lyrics made by Finnish asshole (me) how cannot pronounce lyrics right (at least someone said about it in our band guestbook), but it has a real content.

Your "real content" is demeaning towards women in a vulcar yet disgusting manner, and grammatically incoherent.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

356 viestiä

#67 kirjoitettu 03.01.2010 10:28 Muok:03.01.2010 10:29

HW kirjoitti:
Rayburn kirjoitti:
Here is some shit lyrics made by Finnish asshole (me) how cannot pronounce lyrics right (at least someone said about it in our band guestbook), but it has a real content.

Your "real content" is demeaning towards women in a vulcar yet disgusting manner, and grammatically incoherent.

Even though I usually enjoy vulgarity just as much as the next guy I must say the numerous clear grammatical errors really bothered me too. Especially in places where it has no relevance to the bar length or the vocalisation of the phrase. I can understand abusing the language if it's done in order to somehow better the song but when it's clearly a matter of the writers knowledge of the language (rather the lack of it) it becomes a distraction.

Also, HW misspelled vulgarity.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7254 viestiä

#68 kirjoitettu 03.01.2010 13:35

Pseudonyymi kirjoitti:
Also, HW misspelled vulgarity.

Oh my, so I did. But a typo now and again is allowed.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

313 viestiä

#69 kirjoitettu 21.01.2010 11:15

Most finns have that thick accent which makes it sound funny when they sing in english. Writing songs in english is pretty hard for most finns since the languages are very different in grammar. Expressions and idioms tend to be the hardest.


either you end up doing something new and cool or you eventually learn to sing/write/rap better in english.
And if there happens to be a native english speaker in the band don't give them that shy bullshit about not feeling comfortable with languages. Just do it. English is overrated anyway. They say it has spread to be "the universal language" of earth. EVERYONE is expected to learn it but no variation is tolerated "because it sounds funny" and "it doesn't do well in the market"? Fuck markets. Languages are supposed to evolve.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Jumalan nyrkki
43152 viestiä

#70 kirjoitettu 21.01.2010 11:18 Muok:21.01.2010 11:19

vade- kirjoitti:
Most finns have that thick accent which makes it sound funny when they sing in english. Writing songs in english is pretty hard for most finns since the languages are very different in grammar. Expressions and idioms tend to be the hardest.


I don't think that a reason to do it? It is not usually a reason to not do it if you want, but definetly it is not a reason to do it if you not into english stuff.

either you end up doing something new and cool or you eventually learn to sing/write/rap better in english.

Ok. Those really seem to be all the possibilies. Sorry. Why do people still write things in finnish, if there is no way to fail in english?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

356 viestiä

#71 kirjoitettu 23.01.2010 00:32

vade- kirjoitti:
EVERYONE is expected to learn it but no variation is tolerated "because it sounds funny" and "it doesn't do well in the market"? Fuck markets. Languages are supposed to evolve.

Yeah! Arbitary and pointless arguments about "markets" and "sounding funny" and "people can not comprehend what you're trying to say"...

Languages evolve through adaptations and compromise between the written language and the spoken language but in order for the two to fuse they have to be both built on solid foundation. In order to actually create something new and interesting with any language you have to have a clear concept of what the language in its "old form" is. Then you can play around with language in a manor that still allows for people to actually understand it.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7 viestiä

#72 kirjoitettu 08.03.2010 22:22


^ Vastaa Lainaa

5248 viestiä

#73 kirjoitettu 30.03.2010 05:53

B-Yake kirjoitti:

That didn't even get me to the page where I'd to listen to your music, it offered me some pills to get my penis erect for some coins..Goddang!! (Got me wif mi fingers in mi wallet..)

For the over the before-the-mentioned, I'm still struggling with what am I supposed to do - with my pockets full of lyrics that contains the hated gothic rhyme:
...everybody dies,
...heaven cries.

It's like whatta fuck, why can't I mumble that nonsense even if I can't pronounce it right? Who gives a flying banana in your mothers ass?

Though I usually use vocals as an effect to the cause, many a skilled people has misheard the point where sampled speech performed by us-dude ends and where my likewise effected speech starts. But the point where all is ridiculous, is when some yankee says that brits can't speak english..

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11907 viestiä

#74 kirjoitettu 05.05.2012 20:01

All the lyrics I write come to me naturally in english. They lyrics start as small phrases that just pop up in my mind at random. They might be shit or not but I just can't imagine writing lyrics in finnish. I also think english language has a lot more these really handy one-word concepts I like to use a lot.

also, something like 2 people actually listen to our music here in Finland and the rest of the real listeners are mostly from United States.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Erityinen tuki
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#75 kirjoitettu 16.05.2012 02:39

People in finnish bands who write their music in english because they consider writing in finnish silly, often make silly english lyrics. The OP is reaching for an answer to, in my opinion, an irrelevant matter; the point being rather in the motives behind the choice, not the language itself. Absolute crap is being made in both, as is some pretty good stuff, i bet.

Choosing a non-native language seems an ok choice if it stems from true will. If it roots in a speculative desire to meet a fictious expectation of an imaginary crowd or an ego carved in childish daydreams it forms an assembly line of banal pseudo-expression and at best a source of unintentional comedy.

To make a long story short:
If you´re a good and honest artist, your stuff is probably decent too, in any language. If your shit, so´s your stuff, but it can be a source of laughter to users of different languages if you happen to use their particular language.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1 viesti

#76 kirjoitettu 04.06.2012 06:39

I completely understand those bands who sing in English to export their music abroad. However, at least several songs in Finnish won't hurt. I'd love to hear something Finnish from, for example, Amorphis.
The reason why I'm on this website is my desire to hear more music in Finnish. There are not that many bands with Finnish lyrics which I know so far.
Also, I have noticed that in some bands' Finnish lyrics there is more... poetry? (As opposed to their stuff in English).

^ Vastaa Lainaa

CNF-Community Neglects the Facts
CNF-Community Neglects the Facts
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#77 kirjoitettu 04.06.2012 10:14


EvilEnglish since 1990.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

328 viestiä

#78 kirjoitettu 14.05.2013 14:51

I would like to hear some finnish bands (hip hop) do Spanish...

Mucha gente me decia, que yo no podia,
fumar marihuana por la policia...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

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