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Kirjoittaja Mikseri.net English forum area opened

Tusina Immonen
Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#81 kirjoitettu 01.10.2005 16:28

Kuolleet Kekkoset kirjoitti:
Zitru kirjoitti:
Why make it a problem by speaking that still quite foreign language, while we could stick to finnish which pretty much all people that live in Finland can speak.

Swedish isn't even a foreing language, and when we live in a bilingual (not sure how that's written) country the swedish talking finns have the right to demand some services (Still not mikseri.net or other stuff like this) in swedish.
If you don't have to speak swedish, why should they have to speak finnish?

Where does the line draw? I mean, if I don't have the right to demand swedish mikseri.net, what exactly can I demand? In swedish..

And IMHO proper swedish (riikinruotsi) is indeed a foreign language, where this swedish we learn at school (which is not the same language) is not. Still, they call it swedish... I'm pretty sure Sweden wouldn't mind if we stopped the abuse of their language by stopping the forced swedish lessons in forced schools.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#82 kirjoitettu 01.10.2005 17:26

Chris Hilton kirjoitti:
Zitru kirjoitti:
I'm pretty sure Sweden wouldn't mind if we stopped the abuse of their language by stopping the forced swedish lessons in forced schools.

However, Swedish is still the second official language in Finland. I wouldn't say it's completely useless or stupid or whatever - it's a lot easier to get a "proper" job if you can speak Swedish even just a little bit.

Ehm... Another post centering on the fact that things are as they are.. Go, conservatives, go!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Valium for Van Gogh
Valium for Van Gogh
11143 viestiä

#83 kirjoitettu 01.10.2005 18:33

Zitru kirjoitti:
Where does the line draw? I mean, if I don't have the right to demand swedish mikseri.net, what exactly can I demand? In swedish..

Education and importaint stuff like that.
Mikseri.net is an indipendent website and it has nothing to do with anyones right to his/her own language.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Valium for Van Gogh
Valium for Van Gogh
11143 viestiä

#84 kirjoitettu 01.10.2005 20:51

Chris Hilton kirjoitti:
Can we get a little more offtopic?

In Theory?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Tusina Immonen
Tusina Immonen
10508 viestiä

#85 kirjoitettu 01.10.2005 21:02

Kuolleet Kekkoset kirjoitti:
Zitru kirjoitti:
Where does the line draw? I mean, if I don't have the right to demand swedish mikseri.net, what exactly can I demand? In swedish..

Education and importaint stuff like that.
Mikseri.net is an indipendent website and it has nothing to do with anyones right to his/her own language.

So what you mean is that you have right to 'demand service in swedish', as you said, at schools? Like, "Teacher, teacher! Teach me in swedish! I'll stop learning 'till you change your language"?

I don't think so.. There is schools that teach in swedish, but you can't go tell your average teacher to teach in swedish.

BTW, what exactly is that 'importaint stuff like that'?

Zitru muokkasi viestiä 21:09 01.10.2005

Chris Hilton kirjoitti:

No, seriously, I enjoy studying Swedish. Can we get a little more offtopic?

And because you enjoy studying swedish, swedish should be kept a burden for most of the students?

Thanks for thinking...

(I thought you could still study swedish if it wasn't enforced in schools... Maybe I should study my swedish harder so I'd know these things...)

And yes, there's always a way to make it more offtopic!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Valium for Van Gogh
Valium for Van Gogh
11143 viestiä

#86 kirjoitettu 02.10.2005 01:37

Kuolleet Kekkoset muokkasi viestiä 01:44 02.10.2005

I'll just copypaste this to the other thread.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1293 viestiä

#87 kirjoitettu 07.10.2005 19:50

Perhaps some instructions should be made about the usage of the comment ring. Don't know if it is very useful to the foreign users though...

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#88 kirjoitettu 08.11.2005 20:19

oh. Interesting..


^ Vastaa Lainaa

4869 viestiä

#89 kirjoitettu 11.11.2005 00:44

mackee kirjoitti:
oh. Interesting..


Are you the famous Mackee The Knife?

^ Vastaa Lainaa

4869 viestiä

#90 kirjoitettu 11.11.2005 10:44

The O.Y.C Project kirjoitti:

The O.Y.C Project muokkasi viestiä 07:12 11.11.2005

How about pressing the Caps Lock again?

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#91 kirjoitettu 14.11.2005 21:27


Are you the famous Mackee The Knife?

I certainly am !!!

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#92 kirjoitettu 15.11.2005 00:41

Tulipa vain mieleeni...avataan tänne vaikka (näin kaikille cum'oon kielenä) espanjeero (espanja) foorumi...
sitten voi(vat) ihmiset 'päteä' -> (olen huomannut että 'päteä' suututtaa heitä päteviä) vaikka sinne espanjaksi? -> eikö olek(k)in hyvä idea? kaikki heti englanniksi YES? NO? YES???

(them) translation(s) for the finglishgish speakers please:

just appeared to my little mind....let us create here (as it is a simple language for everyone) for example a spanish forum (for everyone to brainnnn ouTT in spanish)...
so then... the brainiacs (to call them brainiacs makes 'them' very anxiou/angry) can make 'the most clever (person in 'mksr') out of themselves in spanish language!! GREAT!! -> ain't this some/one great idea? everybody (now!) in english KYLLÄ! EI! YES!!!

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#93 kirjoitettu 15.11.2005 01:00

Unlimitor kirjoitti:
The O.Y.C Project kirjoitti:

The O.Y.C Project muokkasi viestiä 07:12 11.11.2005

How about pressing the Caps Lock again?

...and just fuck them capital letters.
who cares if them letters are HUGE of small ....or anyway, the way you want?? you don't have to mention about matters that are a BIG trouble only for you...?
most the people...they just don't care...!

^ Vastaa Lainaa


#94 kirjoitettu 15.11.2005 11:15

The O.Y.C Project kirjoitti:
medium kirjoitti:
Tulipa vain mieleeni...avataan tänne vaikka (näin kaikille cum'oon kielenä) espanjeero (espanja) foorumi...
sitten voi(vat) ihmiset 'päteä' -> (olen huomannut että 'päteä' suututtaa heitä päteviä) vaikka sinne espanjaksi? -> eikö olek(k)in hyvä idea? kaikki heti englanniksi YES? NO? YES???

(them) translation(s) for the finglishgish speakers please:

just appeared to my little mind....let us create here (as it is a simple language for everyone) for example a spanish forum (for everyone to brainnnn ouTT in spanish)...
so then... the brainiacs (to call them brainiacs makes 'them' very anxiou/angry) can make 'the most clever (person in 'mksr') out of themselves in spanish language!! GREAT!! -> ain't this some/one great idea? everybody (now!) in english KYLLÄ! EI! YES!!!

hyvää huomenta!

Un foro en español??

It's the most possible that i am the only person from spain here right now...i'm not sure but could be.So,i can talk with myself and reply me just for fun....but if somebody talk spanish there why not...
I want a forum for people who understands my finn-glish

i wish i could speak spanish....but i can't!
i was just a little high yesterday....hmm...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7993 viestiä

#95 kirjoitettu 25.03.2016 22:20

In Finland we have this thing called reilu meininki

^ Vastaa Lainaa

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Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu