Mikseri on musiikkiyhteisö,
jossa voit kuunnella, ladata ja arvostella suomalaista musiikkia,
lisätä rajattomasti biisejä, luoda oman artistisivun, kerätä arvosteluja ja faneja


Vastaa Aloita uusi keskustelu


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Kirjoittaja Pakko saada pasteta biisien lyriikoita 1

393 viestiä

#441 kirjoitettu 04.08.2010 16:01

saKri kirjoitti:
You suffer, but why?

Vitun tiukka kipale!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

758 viestiä

#442 kirjoitettu 05.08.2010 10:34

Kauan sitten matkaan lähti, vaihtui vuodet kerrallaan
Ain' vastatuuleen käynyt on, ei äitikään voi tunnistaa

Se kiiltää ja viiltää, iskut kylmän viikatteen
Etsi nyt ei hautapaikkaa, muttei jaksa huomiseen

Katsos kauas kaukaisuuteen, ei siinnä taivaanrantaa
Ilman hyytää pakkanen, polku ohjaa harhaan
Viimein maahan kyyristyy, ei talven selkä taittunut
Henkäyksen viimeiseen, ei kevät koittanut

Paikkaansa hän aina etsii, löytää sitä ei kai voi
Kulkee pitkin syrjäteitä, muttei silti vaikeroi

Se nostaa ja nostaa, myrskyn virheen viimeisen
Edestään ei koskaan löydä rauhaa niityn kultaisen

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Henkinen tuki
7422 viestiä

#443 kirjoitettu 05.08.2010 10:47

"Festivaalin portilla
pyrki housuun tortilla
Poliisi nappasi Anssin
ja tonki sen repun
tähysti pepun
ja joivat sen pomeranssin..."

^ Vastaa Lainaa

15369 viestiä

#444 kirjoitettu 09.08.2010 23:32

Periaatteessa Pertti meni kauppaan
Osti sieltä dildon ja tunki sen omaan persereikään
Pertillä oli hauskaa (hauskaa)
vähän aikaa

Dildon kanssa Pertti meni äitinsä luokse
Tunki sen äitinsä perseeseen
Myös äiti sai hoo ii veen

Pertti ei tiennyt, että Pertillä oli hoo ii vee
Pertti oli tyrmistynyt, koska äiti sai lapsen

Äitis nussi iskääs
Ja isä sai AIDS:in myös
Ja sitäkautta selviskin,että koko perheellä on AIDSi

AIDSi perheellä
Oli mukavaa
Loppuelämänsä nussivat keskenään
Mutta ei se haittaa, koska AIDSi ei tartu dildon mukana

Eli perhe voi nussia toisiaan, rauhassa

Selvitin tätä aika kauan. Appreciate my work.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2634 viestiä

#445 kirjoitettu 12.08.2010 10:08

Veri on vettä sakeampaa, vettä makeampaa
Ja sil ei oo matafakin kettää, joka veljensä pettää

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2634 viestiä

#446 kirjoitettu 12.08.2010 10:10

Fitz kirjoitti:
Periaatteessa Pertti meni kauppaan
Osti sieltä dildon ja tunki sen omaan persereikään
Pertillä oli hauskaa (hauskaa)
vähän aikaa

Dildon kanssa Pertti meni äitinsä luokse
Tunki sen äitinsä perseeseen
Myös äiti sai hoo ii veen

Pertti ei tiennyt, että Pertillä oli hoo ii vee
Pertti oli tyrmistynyt, koska äiti sai lapsen

Äitis nussi iskääs
Ja isä sai AIDS:in myös
Ja sitäkautta selviskin,että koko perheellä on AIDSi

AIDSi perheellä
Oli mukavaa
Loppuelämänsä nussivat keskenään
Mutta ei se haittaa, koska AIDSi ei tartu dildon mukana

Eli perhe voi nussia toisiaan, rauhassa

Selvitin tätä aika kauan. Appreciate my work.


^ Vastaa Lainaa

1100 viestiä

#447 kirjoitettu 12.08.2010 10:57

Weird Al Yankovic - Trapped in the Drive-Thru:

Seven O'clock in the evening
Watchin somethin' stupid on TV
I'm zoned out on the sofa
When my wife comes in the room and sees me

She says "Is this 'Behind the Music'
With Lynard Skynard?"
And I say "I don't know.
Say, it's gettin' late...what you wanna do for dinner?

She says "I kinda had a big lunch.
So I'm not super hungry."
I said "Well you know, baby, I'm not starvin' either
But I could eat."

She said "So what do you have in mind?"
I said "I don't know what about you?"
She said "I don't care, if you're hungry, let's eat."
I said "That's what we're gonna do!"

"But first you gotta tell me
What it is you're hungry for!"
And she says "Let me think...
...What's left in our refrigerator?"

I said "Well, there's tuna, I know."
She said "That went bad a week ago!"
I said "Is the chili OK?"
She said "You finished that yesterday!"

I hopped up and I said
"I don't know, do you want to get something delivered?"
She's like "Why would I want to eat liver?
I don't even like liver!"

I'm like "No, I said 'delivered'."
She's like "I heard you say liver!"
I'm like "I should know what I said..."
She's like "Whatever, I just don't want any liver!"

Well I was gonna say something
But my cell phone started to ring
Now who could be callin' me?
Well I checked my caller ID

It was just cousin Larry
Callin' for the third time today...
My wife said "Let it go to voicemail."
I said, "OK."

"Where were we? Oh, Dinner, Right
So what d'ya want to do?"
She said "Why don't you whip up somethin in the kitchen?"
"Yeah," I said, "Why don't you?"

And then she said "Baby, can't we just go out to dinner, please?"
I says "No"
She says "Yes"
I says "No"
She says "Yes"
I says "No"
She says "Yes...
...Oh, here's your keys"

I step a little bit closer
Say "OK, where ya want to go?"
She says "How about The Ivy?"
I said "Yeah, well I don't know..."

I don't feel like gettin all dressed up
And eatin' expensive food
She's says "Olive Garden?"
I say "Nah, I'm not in the mood...

...And Burrito King would make me gassy
There's no doubt"
She says "Just forget about it"
I said "No, I swear I'm gonna take you out!"

Then I get an idea
I says "I know what we'll do!"
She says "What?"
I say "Guess"
She says "What?"
I say "We're goin' to the drive-thru!"

So we head out the front door
Open the garage door
Then I open the car doors
And we get in those car doors

Put my key in the ignition
And then I turn it sideways
Then we fasten our seat belts
As we pull out the driveway

Then we drive to the drive-thru
Heading off to the drive-thru
We're approaching the drive-thru
Getting close to the drive-thru!

Almost there at the drive-thru
Now we're here at the drive thru
Here in line at the drive-thru
Did I mention the drive-thru?

Well here we are
In the drive-thru line, me and her.
Cars in front of us, cars in back of us.
All just waiting to order

There's some idiot in a Volvo
With his brights on behind me
I lean out the window and scream
"Hey, What you trying to do, blind me?"

My wife says "Maybe we should park...
...We could just go eat inside."
I said "I'm wearin' bunny slippers
So I ain't leavin' this ride..."

Now a woman on a speaker box
Is sayin' "Can I take your order, please?"
I said "Yes indeed, you certainly can
We'd like two hamburgers with onions and cheese."

Then my wife says
"Baby, hold on, I've changed my mind!
I think I'm gonna have a chicken sandwich
Instead, this time"

I said "You always get a cheeseburger!"
She says "That's not what I'm hungry for."
I put my head in my hands and screamed,
"I don't know who you are anymore!"

The voice on the speaker says
"I don't have all day!"
I said "Then, take our order,
And we'll be on our way!

I wanna get a chicken sandwich
And I want a cheeseburger, too
She's like "You want onions on that?"
I'm like "Yeah, I already said that I do...

...Plus we need curly fries
And don't you dare forget it!
And two medium root beers
No, just one, we'll split it."

Then I said "I'm guessin' that
You're probably not too bright...
So read me back my order
Let's make sure you got it right."

She says "One, you want a chicken sandwich.
Two, you want a cheeseburger
Three, curly fries, and a large root beer"
"Stop, don't go no further!"

"I never ordered a large rootbeer
I said medium, not large!"
Then she says "We're havin' a special,
I supersized you at no charge."

"Oh." And that's all
I could say, was "Oh."
And she says "Now there is somethin' else
That I really think you should know.

You can have unlimited refills
For just a quarter more..."
I say "Great, except we're in the drive thru...
So what would I want that for?"

Then she says "Wait a minute
Your voice sounds so familiar...hey, is this Paul?
And my wife is all like "No, that ain't Paul,
Now tell me, who's this Paul?

She says "Oh, he's just some guy
Who goes to school with me.
I sat behind him last year
And I copied off him in Geometry.

I said "I know a guy named Paul.
He used to be my plumber
He was prematurely bald
And he moved to Pittsburgh last summer.

He also had bladder problems
And a really bad infection on his toe."
And she said "Mister, please, you can stop right there,
That's way more than I needed to know!"

And then we both were quiet
And things got real intense
Then she says "Next window please,
That'll be five dollars and eighty two cents."

So we inched ahead in line
Movin' painfully slow
I got a little bored
So I turned on the radio...

[Song plays]

[Click] Turned it off
Because my wife was getting a headache
So we both just sat there quietly
For her sake.

Then I looked at her
And she looked back at me
And I said "Um,
I think you have somethin' in your teeth."

She turned away from me
And then turned back and said "Did I get it?"
I said "Yeah. Well, I mean, most of it...
But hey, ya know, don't sweat it."

Then she said "How about now?"
I said "Yeah, almost.
There's still a little bit there
But don't worry, it's probably just a piece of toast."

Now we're at the pay window
Or whatever you call it
Put my hand in my pocket
I can't believe there's no wallet!

And the lady at the window's like,
"Well, well that'll be five eighty two."
I turn around to my wife, and say
"How much have you got on you?"

She just rolls her eyes and says
"I'll pay for this, I guess."
So she reaches into her purse
And busts out the American Express

I hand it to the lady
And she says "Oh, dear.
It's gotta be cash only
We don't take credit cards here."

I took back the card and said
"Gee, really? Well that sucks."
And that's when I found out
My wife was only carryin' three bucks.

I said "I thought you were
Going to hit the ATM today"
She says "I never got around to it
So where's your wallet anyway?

And I said "Nevermind,
Just help me to find some change..."
Now the lady at the window
Is lookin at me kinda strange...

And she says "Mister, please,
We gotta move this line along"
I said "Now hold your stinkin' horses lady,
We won't be long."

We looked around inside the glove-box
And check the mat beneath my feet
I found a nickel in the ashtray
And a couple pennies and a dime in the space between he seats

Before long I had a little pile
Of coins of every sort
The lady counts it up and says
"You're still about a dollar short"

And now my woman's got this weird look
Frozen on her face
She screams, "you know
I wasn't even really hungry in the first place"

And so I turned around
To the cashier again
I shrugged and said "OK
Forget the chicken sandwich then"

So I pick up my change
Pick up my receipt
And I drive to the pickup window
Man, I just can't wait to eat

And now we see this acne ridden
Kid about sixteen
Wearin' a dorky nametag that says
"Hello, my name is Eugene."

And he hands me a paper bag
I look him in the eyes
And I say to him "Hey, Eugene,
Can I get some ketchup for my fries?"

Well he looks at me
And I look at him
And he looks at me
And I look at him

And he looks at me
And I look at him
And he says "I'm sorry
What did you want again?"

I say "Ketchup!"
And he says "Oh yeah, that's right...
...I just spaced out there for a second
I'm really kind of burnt tonight."

And then he hands me the ketchup
And now we're finally drivin' away
And the food is drivin' me mad
With its intoxicating bouquet

I'm starvin' to death
By the time we pull up at the traffic light
I say "Baby, gimme that burger,
I just gotta have a bite!"

So she reaches in the bag
And pulls out the burger
And she hands me the burger
And I pick up the burger

And then I unwrap the paper
I bite into those buns
And I just can't believe it
They forgot the onions!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

18200 viestiä

#448 kirjoitettu 12.08.2010 20:39

I fuck your girlfriends yet you worship me
I am a ruthless bastard, a total s.o.b.
I have broken up lots of families
It doesn't matter, I have no conscience
Only thing that counts is to conquer new nest
I have been successful on four continents

There is the burning madness right behind my eyes
I have chosen my own path and I can never die
(Will never die, can never die)

All those slammed doors, all those running tears
They mean absolutely nothing to me
I just turn my back and fuck off my way
With a diabolical smile on my face
Back at my kingdom I am thinking of you
As I masturbate in front of a mirror

There is the burning madness right behind my eyes
I have chosen my own path and I don't give a fuck
(Don't give a fuck, won't give a fuck)

I do know the power of the darkside
As the dark descends, the hunt is again on
As my next victim, look into my eyes
Hear all the bullshit of love between us
Fuck everything else, it boils down to this:
I am scared of nothing but afraid of myself

There is the burning madness right behind my eyes
I have chosen my own path and it leads to hell
(Straight to hell, onward to hell)

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7706 viestiä

#449 kirjoitettu 12.08.2010 22:47 Muok:12.08.2010 22:49

Rain Dogs
(Tom Waits 1985)
Inside a broken clock, splashing the wine with all the rain dogs
Taxi, we'd rather walk, huddle a doorway with the rain dogs
For I am a rain dog too

Oh, how we danced and we swallowed the night
For it was all ripe for dreaming
Oh, how we danced away all of the lights
We've always been out of our minds

The rum pours strong and thin, beat out the dustman with the rain dogs
Aboard a shipwreck train, give my umbrella to the rain dogs
For I am a rain dog too

Oh, how we danced with the Rose of Tralee
Her long hair black as a raven
Oh, how we danced and you whispered to me
You'll never be going back home
Oh, how we danced with the Rose of Tralee
Her long hair black as a raven
Oh, how we danced and you whispered to me
You'll never be going back home

har muokkasi viestiä 22:49 12.08.2010

Hehee. Tämä oli 666. viesti tässä ketjussa

^ Vastaa Lainaa

5116 viestiä

#450 kirjoitettu 15.08.2010 20:24

They put angels in the electric chair
The electric chair, the electric chair
Straight up angels in the electric chair
The electric chair, the electric chair

They put angels in the electric chair
The electric chair, the electric chair
Straight up angels in the electric chair
The electric chair, the electric chair

And no one knew or no one cared
But burning stars lit up their hair
And burning stars lit up their hair
And crawled to heaven on golden stairs

And oh, how we to and fro
To and fro, to and fro
Oh, how we to and fro
To and fro, to and fro

Oh, how we to and fro
To and fro, to and fro
Oh, how we to and fro
To and fro, to and fro

This our torched estates
We're your sweet mistakes

And all them vulgar kings on their dirty thrones
Who among us will avenge Ms. Nina Simone?
And all them vulgar kings on their dirty thrones
Who among us will avenge Ms. Nina Simone?

There's fresh meat in the club tonight
God bless our dead marines
Someone had an accident above the burning trees
While somewhere distant, peacefully
Our vulgar princes sleep
Dead kids don't get photographed
God bless our dead marines

The hungry and the hanged
The damaged and the done
Striving along this spinning rock
Tumbling past the sun
Get through this life without killing anyone
And consider yourself golden

Lost a friend to cocaine
Couple friends to smack
Troubled hearts map deserts
And they rarely do come back
Lost a friend to oceans
Lost a friend to hills
Lost a friend to suicide
Lost a friend to pills
Lost a friend to monsters
Lost a friend to shame
Lost a friend to marriage
Lost a friend to blame
Lost a friend to worry
And lost a friend to wealth
Lost a friend to stubborn pride
And then I lost myself

I love my dog and she loves me
The world's a mess and so are we
She tumbles long green, muddy fields
Sick with joy and glee
And as she dreams sweet puppy dreams
Whimpering gently

There's fresh meat in the club tonight
God bless our dead marines
Someone had an accident above the burning trees
While somewhere distant, peacefully
Our vulgar princes sleep
Dead kids don't get photographed
God bless this century

When the world is sick
Can't no one be well?
But I dreamt we was all beautiful and strong

When the world is sick
Can't no one be well?
But I dreamt we was all beautiful and strong

When the world is sick
Can't no one be well?
But I dreamt we was all beautiful and strong...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

674 viestiä

#451 kirjoitettu 15.08.2010 20:34







^ Vastaa Lainaa

3190 viestiä

#452 kirjoitettu 16.08.2010 21:03

Minä tumputan kun ei oo mitään muuta
minä raiskaan itseäni uudelleen

^ Vastaa Lainaa

1011 viestiä

#453 kirjoitettu 18.08.2010 15:41

here I'm alive everything all of the time

^ Vastaa Lainaa

Soldier of Love
9011 viestiä

#454 kirjoitettu 20.08.2010 16:28

Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun

In my eyes, in disposed,
In disguise as no one knows
Hides the face, lies The snake,
and the sun in my disgrace
Boiling heat, Summer stench
'Neath the black the sky looks dead
Call my name through the cream
And I'll hear you scream again

Black hole sun, won't you come
And wash away the rain

Black hole sun, won't you come, Won't you come

Stuttering, Cold and damp
Steal the warm wind tired friend
Times are gone for honest men

And sometimes
Far too long for snakes

In my shoes A-walking sleep
And my youth I pray to keep
Heaven send Hell away
No one sings like you anymore

Black hole sun, won't you come
And wash away the rain

Black hole sun
Won't you come
Won't you come

Black hole sun
Won't you come
And wash away the rain

Black hole sun
Won't you come
Won't you come

Hang my head
Drown my fear
Till you all just

Black hole sun
Won't you come
And wash away the rain

Black hole sun
Won't you come
Won't you come

^ Vastaa Lainaa

18200 viestiä

#455 kirjoitettu 26.08.2010 20:25

I'm sorry
For something I didn't do
Lynched somebody
But I didn't know who
You blame me
For slavery
A hundred years before I was born

Guilty of being white
Guilty of being white
Guilty of being white
Guilty of being white

I'm sorry
For something I didn't do
Lynched somebody
But I didn't know who
You blame me
For slavery
A hundred years before I was born

Guilty of being white
Guilty of being white
Guilty of being white
Guilty of being white

I'm convicted
Of a racist crime
I've only served
19 years of my life

I'm sorry
For something I didn't do
Lynched somebody
But I didn't know who
You blame me
For everything
A hundred years before I was born

Guilty of being white
Guilty of being white
Guilty of being white
Guilty of being right


^ Vastaa Lainaa

172 viestiä

#456 kirjoitettu 26.08.2010 20:44

Markus.L kirjoitti:
Minä haluan paljon rahaa
jotta voin ostaa vitusti valtaa

Helsinki munaa, Helsinki munaa.
Vapaa Pohjola!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

758 viestiä

#457 kirjoitettu 30.08.2010 16:34


^ Vastaa Lainaa

elkki the metallisti
elkki the metallisti
93 viestiä

#458 kirjoitettu 30.08.2010 16:39 Muok:30.08.2010 16:40

What do you mean I hurt your feelings? I didn't know you had any feelings.
What do you mean I'm not kind? Just not your kind.

arvatkaa mikä

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7706 viestiä

#459 kirjoitettu 30.08.2010 16:42

Pojat, kansan urhokkaan,
mi Puolan, Lützin, Leipzigin
ja Narvan mailla vertaan vuoti,
viel' on Suomi voimissaan,
voi vainolaisten hurmehella peittää maan.
Pois, pois rauhan toimi jää,
jo tulta kohta kalpa lyö
ja vinkuen taas lentää luoti.
Joukkoon kaikki yhtykää,
meit' entisajan sankarhenget tervehtää.

Kauniina väikkyy muisto urhojemme,
kuolossa mekin vasta kalpenemme.
Eespäin rohkeasti vaan,
ei kunniaansa myö
sun poikas milloinkaan!

Uljaana taistolippu liehu,
voitosta voittohon
sä vielä meitä viet!
Eespäin nyt kaikki, taisto alkakaa,
saa sankareita vielä nähdä Suomenmaa!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

3813 viestiä

#460 kirjoitettu 30.08.2010 16:44

Somewhere inside,
It's still obscured,
Darkness reflects,
Stronger than fear,
I seize control to inhale this final day,
I shut my mind but I'm falling anyway,

No, no, no, no,
And I think that I'm all alone,
I can feel the rain pull me down again,

No, no, no, no,
And I know that I have no home,
I can feel the pain take a hold again,

Tied to the ground,
In mounting shade,
My soul is bound,
And so it fades,
And I know that I won't escape,
My remaining faith is draped,
Like my hurt and my fleeting grace,
In this numbing empty space,

No, no, no, no,
And I think that I'm all alone,
I can feel the rain pull me down again,

No, no, no, no,
And I know that I have no home,
I can feel the pain take a hold again

^ Vastaa Lainaa

6162 viestiä

#461 kirjoitettu 30.08.2010 19:05

"Aamulla tuntuu raskaalta pää.
Hiivin, kun en haluu herättää.
Sulla aikaa jäädä lepäämään,

Pikakahvi ei auta mitään:
kolmenkin kupin jälkeen väsyttää.

Menen suihkuun,
pesen hampaat
enkä meikkaa.

Varhain torilla vilkasta jo.
Vanhat odottaa, aukeaako
lähipankin ovi ollenkaan,
niil on kiire.
Viimeisenä työpaikalla oon
– pitäisi vaihtaa yövuoroon.

Puen päälle työvaatteet.
Olen reipas.
Näitä päiviä on jo liikaa,
jokainen solu mussa huutaa:

Jos lyöt vielä kerran, niin minä tapan sut,
ja isken jollain millä sinäkin oot mua hakannut.
Mä astun harhaan taivaan tieltä
jonnekin pimeään, mut viedään sinne,
missä ei ees tarvitse nimeään.

Kaikki sanoo sävyyn säälivään:
oma vika kun tällaiseen jään,
mut en tiedä enää itsekään,
ketä pelkään.
En ole nainen, en yhtään mitään -
kidutettu eläin häkissään.

Olisitko hyvä mulle, jos mä oisin mukavampi?
Menen suihkuun valot päällä.
Sä et huuda enää koskaan. "

PMMP - Joku Raja

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7706 viestiä

#462 kirjoitettu 30.08.2010 22:48

It was a cold and wet December day
When we touched the ground at JFK
Snow was melting on the ground
On BLS I heard the sound
Of an angel

New York, like a Christmas tree
Tonight this city belongs to me

Soul love...this love won't let me go
So long...angel of Harlem

Birdland on fifty-three
The street sounds like a symphony
We got John Coltrane and a love supreme
Miles, and she's got to be an angel

Lady Day got diamond eyes
She sees the truth behind the lies

Soul love...this love won't let me go
So long...angel of Harlem
Angel of Harlem

She says it's heart...heart and soul...
Yeah yeah...(yeah)
Yeah yeah...(right now)

Blue light on the avenue
God knows they got to you
An empty glass, the lady sings
Eyes swollen like a bee sting
Blinded you lost your way
Through the side streets and the alleyway
Like a star exploding in the night
Falling to the city in broad daylight
An angel in Devil's shoes
Salvation in the blues
You never looked like an angel
Yeah yeah...angel of Harlem

Angel...angel of Harlem...

^ Vastaa Lainaa

674 viestiä

#463 kirjoitettu 18.09.2010 15:18

Kuuntele sun sydämesi ääääääntä
Älä anna sen vaimentuuuuuu
taipuu ku puuuuuu

^ Vastaa Lainaa

63 viestiä

#464 kirjoitettu 18.09.2010 15:19

Norm life baby
"We're quitters and we're sober
Our confessions will be televised"

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7706 viestiä

#465 kirjoitettu 06.10.2010 21:25


Tuli mieleen kappaleen sisältö tuosta CSI Miamista joka menee juuri tv:ssä.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2863 viestiä

#466 kirjoitettu 06.10.2010 23:35

One Sunday morning
While I was out walking
By the Brisbane's waters
I chanced to stray
There I found a prisoner
Layed half in the water
He'd seen me coming
And he began to say

"I was a native of Erin's Ireland
And before I was brought
To this terrible place
They dragged me away
From my wife and newborn
And my ailing parents
I've been a prisoner at Port Macquarie
Norfolk Island and Emu Plains
At Castle Hill and cursed Toongabbie
At all of these settlements
I've worked in chains
But of all the places of condemnation
At each penal station of New South Wales
To Moreton Bay I've found no equal
The tyranny there makes all the rest pale

There I met O'Brien
The defender from Ulster
He'd left Ireland burning
Came here for the wake
He was a schemer
A Jacobite nightmare
He could not be broken
But he became displaced
The Jew had one hand
He was a violent man
He'd worn the 20 pound irons
Since before time began
Just before the dawn broke
His starvation awoke
He'd pick the corn from the filth
He'd find laying around
There ain't no walls at all
So remote is the North
The Commandant Logan
Was the devil for sure
His chief flogger was mad
I heard a prison guard say
He'd wash his lash in a bucket
Then drinks the remains

Well I heard a rumour
In the barracks one night
The Jew and O'Brien had fashioned a knife
They meant to kill Logan
But my will was broke
My brain reeled with this secret
And the next day I spoke
They put me back on the gang
With no word of my actions
O'Brien and the Jew
Got 300 lashes
O'Brien came off his triangle
With exposed shoulder blades
His skin never healed
He turned morbid and strange

We was out on the road gang
Just digging a hole
I was struggling with conscience
My nerves had dissolved
To 15 pairs of eyes
O'Brien proposed,
'Shall we go to the gallows
Be done with our woes?
You know the game
Fair play's all I'm asking
We'll draw 16 straws then nothing is wanting
Why should we grasp at the
straws of our lives
When we're only condemned by our will to survive?'

16 straws we did then did draw
I picked the long one
The Jew picked the short
He said 'pray God forgives you
At least make it quick'
14 pairs of eyes watched me
Pounding a shiv through his heart
And for a few moments there was no
stopping the blood
Then O'Brien said 'friends!
On a scaffold this ends
But it's a long was to Brisbane
And we are dangerous men'

Well Logan was wild
We filled him with bile
He'd seen the Catholic dodge
Plain suicide
We'd ascended his powers
But not that of the King's
Or the judge down the river's
But we was happy to swing
We were marched through the scrub
Off to Brisbane for trial
Chained into a whaler
Set off at low tide
With 6 nervous marines
And 6 Enfield rifles
The arse end of the world
And indifferent blue sky

Well I turned to torpor
At the stern in the sun
But I gathered the others must have come undone
I woke breathing smoke in a chaos of limbs
A red coat squirting blood
Through a hole in his chin
And a volley of fire in my general direction
There was panic and shot
And the smell of powder burning
I threw a rifle up over the side
It was dark by the water
But I could see the shore lights
Crouched down in the back
The wrong side of the guns
Getting scorched by the powder
I thought surely I'm done
I seen ghoulish things
Men show limb from limb
O'Brien was dead
There were pieces of him
I tore off my shirt
I was quite badly burnt
My eyes poured like well springs
They were swollen and hurt
I'm not sure who survived
My whole trunk was on fire
But they broke the chains off me
And I bailed over the side."

Well I was amazed by this poor wretch's tale
I'd heard not of the friends
He had left in the whaler
But I'd just seen the paper
and I had to explain
How his Commander Logan
had died just this day
"He'd set out behind you
He was out hunting game
When he startled some natives
Took a spear through his brain"
Then the prisoner said "good"
I heard someone in boots
I turned around and that's when
The Royal Marines came

^ Vastaa Lainaa

5116 viestiä

#467 kirjoitettu 13.10.2010 22:28

The cleanest I've been
An end to the tears
And the in-between years
And the troubles I've seen

Now that I'm clean
You know what I mean
I've broken my fall
Put an end to it all
I've changed my routine
Now I'm clean

I don't understand
What destiny's planned
I'm starting to grasp
What is in my own hands
I don't claim to know
Where my holiness goes
I just know that I like
What is starting to show


The cleanest I've been
An end to the tears
And the in-between years
And the troubles I've seen

Now that I'm clean
You know what I mean
I've broken my fall
Put an end to it all
I've changed my routine
Now I'm clean

As years go by
All the feelings inside
Twist and they turn
As they ride with the tide
I don't advise
And I don't criticise
I just know what I like
With my own eyes


tulin suihkust just höhö.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

15369 viestiä

#468 kirjoitettu 17.11.2010 09:54

Rome - Les Deracines

this is no complaint
you either retreat to the rear
where you watch still in fear
cut off from choice
or you voice your anger
outside defenseless behind the fences

braving the fumes
the noble one resumes the fight
though still in flight
and you nourish little patches of ground
and put no fences around
to gather things towards you

and if only for me, please, hold your fire
and hide your fires at night
and if only for me, please
sink your crowns now
and drown your bells inside of me

so gather around - around
look inside – to be found

now keep the rage and lose the rest
hold on and give it your best shot
and do it now
your hesitant songs, your fearful songs
will not put them to the test anyhow

and if only for me, please, hold your fire
and hide your fires at night
and if only for me, please
sink your crowns now
and drown your bells inside of me

so gather around – around
look inside – to be found

oh, i never thought i’d see it
but you belong to me
like the shame to the retreat
oh, i never thought i’d see it
but you fill yourself indeed
with what you destroy in me

d’abord il y avait la colere
et puis il y avait notre promesse
de ne pas perdre le feu
de vivre debout et en movement

^ Vastaa Lainaa

18200 viestiä

#469 kirjoitettu 30.11.2010 17:14

Up until now
You lot have been leaching around
This will change

You demand civil wage
You have no will to work at all
Death camp awaits

For you meat is murder
But we are all born carnivores
Accept the facts

Mommy wakes you up at night
So you can roll joints at certain time
Just fucking die

Execute tapeworm extermination

Up until now
We have kept our mouths shut
This will change

We shall shave off your dreads
And then we put you to death

Execute tapeworm extermination

Save the planet, get rid of the scum
Public hangings, the octagon approved

Save the planet, death to the scum
And we can live happily ever after

^ Vastaa Lainaa

11907 viestiä

#470 kirjoitettu 30.11.2010 19:12

Kerään asioita
Olen keräilijä
Ja asioilla...no...
niillä on tapana kerääntyä
Minulla on tämä verkko
se raahaa perässäni
ja kerää minulle tunteita syötäväksi

Kovin usein
niin kovin usein olen halunnut päästää irti
Mutta ne alkavat hengittää
ja kasvaa sisälläni
Kovin usein
niin kovin usein olen halunnut päästää irti
Mutta ne saavat minut ajattelemaan
asioita joita en edes halua tietää

Yritän pitää kaiken sisälläni
Yritän repiä suutani auki
Yritän olla tukehtumatta ja
niellä kaiken, niellä kaiken, niellä kaiken tämän paskan

Olen rutto
Olen hyönteisparvi
Tuskasi tarttuu minuun
ja minä pidän sen elossa
Ne eivät anna minun jäädä
eivätkä ne anna minun lähteä
Niitä on niin helvetin monta
että on vaikea hengittää

Yritän pitää kaiken sisälläni
Yritän repiä suutani auki
Yritän olla tukehtumatta ja
niellä kaiken, niellä kaiken, niellä kaiken tämän paskan

jokaisen niistä, jokaisen niistä, jokaisen niistä, jokaisen niistä

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2863 viestiä

#471 kirjoitettu 10.12.2010 14:18

Kimmo G. kirjoitti:
Hollis Brown...

Ei oo hassumpi tääkään, kun sen vielä "oikein" fraseeraa:

William Zanzinger killed poor Hattie Carroll
With a cane that he twirled around his diamond ring finger
At a Baltimore hotel society gath'rin'
And the cops were called in and his weapon took from him
As they rode him in custody down to the station
And booked William Zanzinger for first-degree murder
But you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears
Take the rag away from your face
Now ain't the time for your tears.

William Zanzinger who at twenty-four years
Owns a tobacco farm of six hundred acres
With rich wealthy parents who provide and protect him
And high office relations in the politics of Maryland
Reacted to his deed with a shrug of his shoulders
And swear words and sneering and his tongue it was snarling
In a matter of minutes on bail was out walking
But you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears
Take the rag away from your face
Now ain't the time for your tears.

Hattie Carroll was a maid in the kitchen
She was fifty-one years old and gave birth to ten children
Who carried the dishes and took out the garbage
And never sat once at the head of the table
And didn't even talk to the people at the table
Who just cleaned up all the food from the table
And emptied the ashtrays on a whole other level
Got killed by a blow, lay slain by a cane
That sailed through the air and came down through the room
Doomed and determined to destroy all the gentle
And she never done nothing to William Zanzinger
And you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears
Take the rag away from your face
Now ain't the time for your tears.

In the courtroom of honor, the judge pounded his gavel
To show that all's equal and that the courts are on the level
And that the strings in the books ain't pulled and persuaded
And that even the nobles get properly handled
Once that the cops have chased after and caught 'em
And that ladder of law has no top and no bottom
Stared at the person who killed for no reason
Who just happened to be feelin' that way witout warnin'
And he spoke through his cloak, most deep and distinguished
And handed out strongly, for penalty and repentance
William Zanzinger with a six-month sentence
Oh, but you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fearsv
Bury the rag deep in your face
For now's the time for your tears.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

18460 viestiä

#472 kirjoitettu 10.12.2010 15:11 Muok:10.12.2010 15:14

oli niin paska sanotusvääntö ettei menny sinne päinkään, mutta

Muisto sorkasta

^ Vastaa Lainaa

3813 viestiä

#473 kirjoitettu 16.12.2010 12:43

yu sailon on, yu saile
yu saifon, ailon non, yu sa
yu sailon on, yu saile
yu saifon, ailon non, yu sa

yu sai elinonn far
yu sou,
yu sai elinonn fár
yu sou,
yu sai elunonn fár lon...

yu sai elinon fár,
ou nossai
yu sailen no wei fondaun

yu sailon on, yu saile
yu saifon, ailon noon, yu sa
yu sailon on, yu saile
yu sai, yu sai elinofer
ailon non on, yu sai
yu saileninon fár
yu sou...
yu saileninon fár
oh, yu saile no wei fár daunn
yu soula
yu saileninon fár

oh nossai,
yu saleno uei for daun,
yu sailefon daun, on na...

al ta on
al ta on
al ta on
al ta on...

daun tche wún
daun tche wún
daun tche wún
daum tche wún

^ Vastaa Lainaa

5116 viestiä

#474 kirjoitettu 16.12.2010 12:54

Deadful kirjoitti:
yu sailon on, yu saile
yu saifon, ailon non, yu sa
yu sailon on, yu saile
yu saifon, ailon non, yu sa

yu sai elinonn far
yu sou,
yu sai elinonn fár
yu sou,
yu sai elunonn fár lon...

yu sai elinon fár,
ou nossai
yu sailen no wei fondaun

yu sailon on, yu saile
yu saifon, ailon noon, yu sa
yu sailon on, yu saile
yu sai, yu sai elinofer
ailon non on, yu sai
yu saileninon fár
yu sou...
yu saileninon fár
oh, yu saile no wei fár daunn
yu soula
yu saileninon fár

oh nossai,
yu saleno uei for daun,
yu sailefon daun, on na...

al ta on
al ta on
al ta on
al ta on...

daun tche wún
daun tche wún
daun tche wún
daum tche wún


^ Vastaa Lainaa

3813 viestiä

#475 kirjoitettu 16.12.2010 12:57

buranaC kirjoitti:
Deadful kirjoitti:
yu sailon on, yu saile
yu saifon, ailon non, yu sa
yu sailon on, yu saile
yu saifon, ailon non, yu sa

yu sai elinonn far
yu sou,
yu sai elinonn fár
yu sou,
yu sai elunonn fár lon...

yu sai elinon fár,
ou nossai
yu sailen no wei fondaun

yu sailon on, yu saile
yu saifon, ailon noon, yu sa
yu sailon on, yu saile
yu sai, yu sai elinofer
ailon non on, yu sai
yu saileninon fár
yu sou...
yu saileninon fár
oh, yu saile no wei fár daunn
yu soula
yu saileninon fár

oh nossai,
yu saleno uei for daun,
yu sailefon daun, on na...

al ta on
al ta on
al ta on
al ta on...

daun tche wún
daun tche wún
daun tche wún
daum tche wún


Iha tajuttoman!

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2863 viestiä

#476 kirjoitettu 20.12.2010 12:16

Här är en sång till modet
Den är till alla dom
som vågar tro på morgondan
fast natten är så lång
Här är en sång till modet
en liten, enkel låt
Det kanske verkar meningslöst
Men jag sjunger den ändå

Här är en sång till modet
till glädje, hopp och skratt
Till dom som tror på kärleken
fast hatet är så starkt
Till alla som slår sej samman
Till alla som ställer krav
Till dom som vet hur svårt det är
och ändå säger "ja"

Här är en sång till modet
hos dom som vågar se
Som inte låter tysta sej
men säger som det är
Till alla som bygger broar
Till alla som släpper in
Till dom som tror att människan
kan göra det, hon vill

Här är en sång till alla
som vägrar att ge opp
Till dom som kämpar vidare
fast livet är så hårt
Till alla som vågar längta
till nåt, dom aldrig sett
Som inte låter kuva sej
men håller på sin rätt

Här är en sång till modet
Den är från mej till dej
En liten enkel visa
med det, jag helst vill säg'
Så vårda den väl och lär den
och nynna den ibland
För då växer den och sprider sej
i hela Sveriges land

^ Vastaa Lainaa

2026 viestiä

#477 kirjoitettu 22.12.2010 20:14

if i hold you close
i will take you to
a secret world
where no-one knows
and i want to love you
the nightinggale belongs to
safe and sound
no-one's gonna hurt you
not any more

James Iha ♥

^ Vastaa Lainaa

15369 viestiä

#478 kirjoitettu 22.12.2010 21:35


Homot tyrii
Minä en
Homot tyrii
Minä en

Laa -lalalala-lalaa

Homot tyrii
Minä en
Homot tyrii
Minä en

Laa -lalalala-lalaa
Laa -lalalala-lalaa
Laa -lalalala-lalaa
Laa -lalalala-lalaa

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7706 viestiä

#479 kirjoitettu 22.12.2010 21:35

Ja niin joulu joutui jo taas Pohjolaan
joulu joutui jo rintoihinkin.
Ja kuuset ne kirkkaasti luo loistoaan
jo pirtteihin pienoisihin.
Mut ylhäällä orressa vielä on vain
se häkki mi sulkee mun sirkuttajain,
ja vaiennut vaikerrus on vankilan;
oi, murheita muistaa ken vois laulajan!

Miss' sypressit tuoksuu nyt talvellakin,
istun oksalla uljaimman puun,
miss' siintääpi veet, viini on vaahtovin
ja sää aina kuin toukokuun.
Ja Etnanpa kaukaa mä kauniina nään,
ah' tää kaikki hurmaa ja huumaapi pään,
ja laulelmat lempeesti lehdoissa soi,
sen runsaammat riemut ken kertoilla voi!

Sä tähdistä kirkkain, nyt loisteesi luo
sinne Suomeeni kaukaisehen!
Ja sitten kun sammuu sun tuikkeesi tuo,
sä siunaa se maa muistojen!
Sen vertaista toista en mistään ma saa,
on armain ja kallein mull' ain' Suomenmaa!
Ja kiitosta sen laulu soi Sylvian
ja soi aina lauluista sointuisimman.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

7706 viestiä

#480 kirjoitettu 23.12.2010 00:59

Nousi Noita turpehesta, silmähästä soisen veen.
Mielehessä miete musta, kosto kylmä käessään.

Etsi etelästä, Itämailla kasvoi kaunaa
Muassansa mana läksi luota lännen
Yksi yötä, tunti toista ja Pohjolasta putoaa se pää!

Vierahaksi Pohjan pojan, kutsumatta kylään käy
" Miksi syöksit suohon syvään, turpeheseen tympeään? "

Etsi etelästä, itämailla kasvoi kaunaa.
Muassansa mana, läksi luota lännen.
Yksi yötä, tunti toista ja Pohjolasta putoaa se pää!

Kiilukirves kuutamossa, kosto kantoon kolajaa.
Maksettihin vanha velka, synkkä surma sovittiin.

^ Vastaa Lainaa

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