I've been the past 20 years studying everything about in the music, arragement, composition, sounds, studioworks, ways to show emotions thru music, the business, brands, Lyrics...Everything. At the moment I have come to a conclution that almost everything that we hear on MTV and all the other mainstream music channels and radios put out music that is made for easy chew. There is no heart in it !!! It is thought as practical for the hectic present times and easy money. When people are on the verge of mental burnout and when the time is limitless. But this unintelligent music makes the evolution come backwards. People are coming more stupid by the day! Think about late 1700's we had great classical composers making exellent path for the future and where are we now with ass waving, autotune and meaningless blingbling...People just aint getting what they should get out of music at the time, a momenteraly escape of reality, a piece fucking timeout and most important a something that ticles the creativity and mind !!! So, this is for you George W. Bushes of Music Business..... FUCK YOU AND YOUR THOUGHTLESSNESS!!!
Jukka Uusitalo - all
I have everything and usually more than 2 each. :)
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